Easy Building Editor / Custom textures not working properly?

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 06:14 Edited at: 4th Dec 2019 06:14
Hi, I downloaded some PBR textures such as https://3dtextures.me/2019/05/21/metal-plate-017/.

I converted them all to .DDS and saved as DXT5 using Paint.Net. However, they look much different when ingame.

Now I'm probably doing this wrong, since I have no experience in this and I was hoping someone could help me. Is there anyway to make the ingame texture look like the one in the link, as in, more "metallic" or reflective if you will?

The one I have in the game looks dull, but the texture looks the same. Check Attachment for ingame picture.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 08:29 Edited at: 4th Dec 2019 17:09
Can you list the full names of each of the textures you are using please? I have a feeling if you downloaded them the nmes might be wrong because gameguru has a few quirks in it's naming.

The basic textures you need for PBR in GameGuru are:

1. Metalic texture: nameoftexture_metalness
2. Roughness texture**: nameoftexture_gloss
3. Colour texture: nameoftexture_color
4. Normal Texture: nameoftexture_normal

** the roughness texture is a roughness map named as gloss, no idea why Lee did this, but that's how it is.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 08:36 Edited at: 4th Dec 2019 10:58
OK just looked at the link you gave me .....

metal_Plate_017_ambientOcclosion.jpg ... change to ... metal_Plate_017_ao.jpg
metal_Plate_017_basecolor.jpg ... change to ... metal_Plate_017_color.jpg
metal_Plate_017_emmisive.jpg ... change to ... metal_Plate_017_illumintion.jpg
metal_Plate_017_height.jpg ... is correct, however is not used in gameguru
metal_Plate_017_normal.jpg ... is correct
metal_Plate_017_opacity.jpg ... does not exist in gameguru, not needed
metal_Plate_017_roughtness.jpg ... change to ... metal_Plate_017_gloss.jpg

When you import it with this naming it should look better.

Note: For most entities if you're using .DDS then DXT3 is the better option for GameGuru, however if you're using entities with trsnparency use DXT5

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 16:47
But if I want to use them for EBE, I add them to the texturesource folder. Do I need to convert them to .DDS or keep them as .JPG? Since you named them all with .jpg at the end, I'm not sure. Also, thank you for the help.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 17:10 Edited at: 4th Dec 2019 17:24
You can convert them to DDS, it's the better format to use for GameGuru, i was just giving you an example of the identifiers you need to use.

However, i've just realised that you're asking this in the EBE section. I'm not certain if EBE uses PBR or if it still just uses the old DNSI system, all the default textures for EBE are in DNSI format.

If it still uses the DNSI system you will need the following:

texturename_D.dds (this is your actual colour image map)
texturename_N.dds (this is your normal map)
texturename_S.dds (this is a specular map, you don't have a specular so the metalness renamed to texturename_S.dds should give a rough aprocimation)
texturename_I.dds (this is your emission map, note: it's an upper case "i" not a lower case "L")

no other maps work for DNSI textures

Give both versions a try and see what's better for you.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 18:01 Edited at: 4th Dec 2019 18:03
Ok, I did it both ways, and I'm not sure the results are that different, could you give me your opinion?

First attachment is first try, second attachment is your first reply, "metal_Plate_017_illumintion.jpg" and such, and third attachment is using the .dds format, like in your last reply.

As you can see, the texture looks the same in all, the reflections and lightning are a bit different. So I suppose these are the only ways?
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 19:23
If you've done them as i listed then they should be appearing right as far as i know, you may have to fiddle with some settings in the tab menu.

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 22:03
Can I do anything with the metallic file? Or GG doesn't recognize it?
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