Work In Progress / POLICE MAN GAME

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Posted: 7th Nov 2019 10:08 Edited at: 7th Nov 2019 10:54
Name and subject of the game: Police man - Fiery Eagle Operation

* An action game
* A police man fights
* Fight against Black Vulture terrorists
* So get ready to fight
* Will be released soon.
* Made with GAME GURU engine
* More details will be announced:



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science boy
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Posted: 7th Nov 2019 11:54 Edited at: 7th Nov 2019 12:01
Welcome to gameguru may it be a great experience for you and i hope you create, learn and more creation and develop your skills, stick with us. I will always be here for any issues you have and im sure others too.

Jus a little question you say released soon?
It took me a months to get things working on a map with fpsc creator x10.
2 months to work out how to get normal and specular and fx to work on x10 and ragdoll deaths.
What im saying is to make a really good game it can take months or years. I would love you to make a really good game, if you can do that and we can help you then that is great. My advice is to really look at your game and look at what its aim is.... Where you are taking them and reasons for items being where they are. This could be a brilliant game and i think if you hit any walls with making it for example, enemies cant do certain things, the guys will help you as will others with anything regarding game making or advice. it seems a shoot em up is your aim. Now all i know is these games are in abundance and you will have to work doubly hard for it to stand out from the rest thats a big challenge.

Please ask us if you require help to make your game the best it can be. do not rush, there is plenty of time and game guru is not anywhere near complete yet, so if you wait around and learn more there will be a much better engine to make policeman game.
Im sure all will help you

an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Posted: 7th Nov 2019 12:18
Please also post us in-game screenshots, as visible in the first presenation picture you have here, rather than pre-rendered stuff Thank you!
One or two screenshots will be enough if you don't want to spoil too much of your game.

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Posted: 7th Nov 2019 12:20
Thank you science boy
But I am working since 2015 with GameGuru.
I also work with Unity and S2HD engines
It took about 1 years to build this game
And I decided to make and publish it with GG.
I hope to succeed ...
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Posted: 7th Nov 2019 12:24 Edited at: 7th Nov 2019 12:44
Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 8th Nov 2019 23:34
I can't decide whether to be impressed by the scripted camera moves or disgusted by the garish presentation and cheesy effects.

I want to see more though!

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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 04:54
I must insist on you attaching one or 2 larger in-game screenshots to your first post, otherwise I would have to lock it and it seems to be a decent project.
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 09:14



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Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 11:34 Edited at: 9th Nov 2019 11:34
You know what? Bad English translation aside, this looks like a lot of fun! You've clearly spent a long time on this and I would love to play it

I like the weapons, although your pistol doesn't look like it's pointing forward...more off to the left?

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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 14:56
Thank you Avenging Eagle
I have a little trouble with English.
My colleague in England, He doesn't know English well.
We may find a good English-speaking colleague.
And I'll try to correct the translations.
We will not publish the game until the game is corrected.
Thank you for your point.

You can explain more about this:
Quote: "I like the weapons, although your pistol doesn't look like it's pointing forward...more off to the left?"

Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 15:19
Quote: "You can explain more about this:"

OK, when I look at how your other weapons are positioned, like the assault rifle, I can see they more or less point towards the centre of the screen. I would expect to fire that weapon and the bullet to hit an enemy more or less where the crosshair is.

But when I look at your pistol, it looks like it's pointing too far to the left. It looks like it should be pointing more towards the crosshair in the centre of the screen.

Does that make sense? Hope my images help

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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 15:46 Edited at: 9th Nov 2019 20:43
Yes, I fully understood.
That was an accurate point.
I have to correct it.
Thanks Avenging Eagle
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 20:22
Thanks for putting up the pics! Looks really good. I get the impression that this will be a lot of fun
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 20:29
Thanks Wolf
But I have to make some corrections before it is published.
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Posted: 9th Nov 2019 20:54
where do u got the weapons from?their are amazing or u just changed the axis of view of the camera?
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Posted: 10th Nov 2019 10:10
Weapons are made this way:
1- Modeling and Animation: Maya Software
2- Then send from Maya to 3DMAX
3- Then export to X file
4- Finally, enter Gameguru
5- Of course, some scripting should be done for gunspec.txt
6- I used Photoshop and Bitmap2Material software to create the material & texture.
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Posted: 15th Nov 2019 18:56
Quote: "this looks like a lot of fun! "

I have to agree …. That look …. Cant put my finger on it but for some reason I want to play it

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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 11:34
I'm getting a strong Bollywood vibes from this. I like it.

Aside from what Avenging Eagle pointed out, I'd move some of those down on the vertical screen positioning. FPS weapons that sit above the screen centerline look really awkward. It's like having the camera in the player chest or the player arms contorted to the side of the head. Neither is ideal.
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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 17:46
Making new weapons in GG is a tough job.
be patient.
We're modifying the animation and the camera of the guns.

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