Scripts / Hurt zone that hurts AI instead of player

Pink Panther
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Posted: 21st Oct 2019 19:46
I was looking at the hurt.lua script and was wondering if it could be used against the AI instead of the player. The healing zone script looked like it was zone based so I thought I could change it around a bit to be an "ai_hurt_zone". Looked at global.lua for help but I am not really sure how to put these things in a script.
I did not expect it to work of course but I wanted to try. After wracking my brain for a few days I thought I would present it to the forum for help. This is what I did. Any help would be appreciated!

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Posted: 21st Oct 2019 20:06 Edited at: 21st Oct 2019 20:10
So the simplest way of doing this would be to use one of the functions from utillib:

This will remove 1 health every second from any AI with 2000 unit radius of the attached entity (or centre of zone).

Unfortunately there is no function to tell when an AI enters a zone though.
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Pink Panther
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Posted: 21st Oct 2019 23:43
Thanks AmenMoses! That is exactly what I wanted! It works perfectly!

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