That's the point smallg. I'm not referencing them in the editor, I'll be referencing them in a VB program outside of GG to generate a lua script, and wanting to validate their existence in the fpm. Looking at the data I'm guessing the entity number is simply the index for the entity in the file, rather than being assigned.
I haven't tried it yet but yes, I expect later editing of a map which included deleting lower numbered entities than those referenced in the script would lead to problems.
So a better option will be to assign Quest givers and quest targets unique names which I know I can validate against the fpm, but I was wanting to avoid forcing creators to work in particular ways in order to use the app.
Still that'd be a small price to pay for non-scripters to have the ability to build quests without going anywhere near code of any kind.
Some peoples brains simply don't work in code and piddling about in notepad++ or whichever is a real turn-off for them.
You can't teach an old dog.