Thnx, yes but by that way i disable the switch constantly, i meant something that i can implement to a weapon script.
I need it 4 your static weapon script.
As u remember, while using a static gun with the script there was still the possibility 2 swaping between the weapons and i wanna disable that.The problem is when u use the static weapon and switch it to another weapon, the player is still frozen and cant move even if he holds allready another weapon and if u pressing e to release the static one, u get unfrozen but the static weapon itself remains in the slot.
One way to fix that would be to disable the switching.
The second way, i guess the easier one, would be if the static gun would be released automaticly when u scroll with the wheel or change the weapon by number buttons just as by pressing E for release,so pressing e to take the static gun, and press E, scroll wheel and 1,2,3,4 etc. for release it.