Ok had a fly around the map adjusted the max speed to 2000 lol much quicker
what line is it for acceleration? Although I do like the 3rd person sometimes the craft is at slightly weird angles when going forward which is where the hud idea might eliminate this as you wouldn't see it maybe? so im kind of thinking maybe if you displayed the hud, hid the craft and had a fixed target sight then any guns would then just have a fixed point to fire at. same with third person really .. seems alittle weird with the sight moving around. just a thought gonna have a play around with it today
love it so far though its very cool
something along these lines maybe with the view fixed until the craft leaves the ground (liberty Li_Elite fighter hud attached)
OK I now have the ship pretty much doing what I need for this (basically a rewrite of Galaxy) now the ship does what it should thanks AM
I'll need to add some dials etc etc but its getting there, here's the snag atm as the ship approaches the station or the planet a script should run freezing the player asking if they would like to dock, playing a short video and then jump to level. I have the script partially written but FreezePlayer() doesn't work? would it be better to add names e.g Station, Planet to the aircraft script to freeze it and run that script or should it work from the station, planet side?
heres a vid showing where it should happen and what I have so far script wise
g_state = {}
local video_length = 0
function station_docking_init(e)
g_state[e] = "dock"
function station_docking_main(e)
if g_state[e] == "dock" and GetPlayerDistance(e) <= 3000 then
TextColor(30,50,1,"SHOULD HAVE DOCKING SCRIPT RUN HERE ",9,255,0 )
if GetTimer(e) < video_length then
-----jump to level here------
HUD UPDATE : now were cooking
also is there a way to start the player in the ship so as you could have the player click the ship in the hanger, play a vid of the ship leaving and then jump to the space level actually in the ship (running about in space loos abit odd pmsl
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on