Hi Guys! Well I've decided that due to the emense size of the overall collection, I'm going to release them in parts. Each part will contain the main theme entities plus a collection of entities to add to the whole thing. These will include the Hanger, Power complex, control rooms, Medical, and whatever else I can think of.
All the new entities use the PBR shader ( I love this shader!).
Anyway the first installment is the "Scifi Hanger". I only have a few loose ends, and a little clean up left to do, and it's ready to go.
So lets have a look...
There are new corridors for the hanger complex, as well as floors, platforms, railings, doorway trim parts, stairs, and more...
A Mech control room with new furniture, and a Unit traking Holograph projection console...
Now on to the Hanger...
The hanger can be configured to your liking with various props, and a window for use in space, or on the ground...
Or you can add the floor lift...
Or you can build it with the large bay doorway...
You can set it up for any use, (servicing your Mechs, A place for storage, etc.) or you can use it as a cozy place to park your new wheels.
For a ground build, you need to be able to enter from outside, so I added a few dodads for that as well...
Heres what you get...
All in all, around 200+ peices. Hope you enjoy the pics, I'll post when it's available for purchase.
AMD 6 Core 3.5gh, 16GB DDR3, NVIDIA Geforce 730 4GB. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.