Quote: "I'm actually still having troubles finding a way to enable and disable an emitter."
works fine for me, i don't think there's a way to get if an emitter exists or not so just make sure you're storing the emitter ID correctly when you create the emitter
ParticlesAddEmitterEx( emitter ) <- emitter is the ID here
if you create multiple emitters with the same ID it will only be able to delete 1 so store the IDs in an array or something if you want multiple then you can loop through them
--in your script set up
local emitterID = {}
local tempID = 0
-- in the part you create the emitter(s)
local emitter = ParticlesGetFreeEmitter() --this checks the engine for a free emitter slot
tempID = tempID + 1
ParticlesAddEmitterEx( emitter ) --we use the value returned by the engine as the ID
emitterID[tempID] = emitter --we're just storing the value returned by the engine in an array for later use
--when it's time to clear the emitters away we can now cycle the emitterID array
for a,b in pairs (emitterID) do