"I used Basic back in the day..."
Me too 1990's or earlier cause I was doing that in high school pre- 90's
So Basic and Lua are to me simply 2 separate languages. I know nothing
about dark basic and what it can accomplish. So all I can say is that when
someone here suggested I make a game with Basic; tee-hee, all the one I
had was for DOS, and all it was good for was learning simplistic computer
science like stuff-- draw lines, boxes and circles and make sounds and inputs.
No Stand-Alones! but I did actually 'try' making infinitesimal games then.
It's been about 30 years since that time-- according to the calendar.
Lua has functions and whatever. I don't know that it's better than dark basic
or Lua is better -- because LUA is dependent on the capacity that is provided
by the developers. In other words, we can't get an objects angle using LUA
without first having the developers provide a function call to access that info;
GetEntityAngleX (e)
I'm quite sure that is the same with DarkBasic. So there must be a reason that
AmenMoses calls it exponentially better, it's really the constraints of GG that would
present any issues-- well and of course lack of documentation and simply the
experience of scripting-- IE INFORMATION and the immature stage of GG --
not to knock the huge efforts of all involved, but mice beside elephants is vivid.