Work In Progress / DIETARA W.I.P

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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 20:00

Genre/ Medieval Fantasy, Quest based/ Open World


During the Middle Ages around the time 480 - 960 CE. Dietara was a cold barren place the shadows of war hung beneath the dark and powerful. As plagues and famine destroyed villages killing off thousands, Spells were used to plot great nations to fight against each other over and over without a win or loss.

Mighty kings that once ruled Dietara have either died from sickness or in battle trying to keep Dietara out of the hands of the Creatures that lurk below waiting for there chance to strike again. Your father once a powerful king that ruled the throne kept sin at bay, not one creature would dare challenge him to a fight his army was enormous with there shiny silver and gold lined armour that no one could pierce through.

But one night while the king slept he was kidnapped leaving no clue on who took him or where they took him. The world was in crisis villagers were fleeing scared of the dark and powerful to return from underground to claim Dietara. You start out as the kings son the Ayr to Dietara to go out on a quest to find out what happened to him and save Dietara before hell breaks loose........

DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES ...................................OR WILL YOU LET DIETARA FALL


Dietara is a world filled with life and adventure. I first Started Dietara in March after a long wait on updates to the engine. i'm currently still working on it as i come up to the six month mark. I really want to incorporate originality to this game as a lot of Quest driven games out there, Dietara is my first game made and i really wanted to give it a real feel so a lot of my design work went into creating assets to the game
Dietara is open world in a sense you start off in The Dietara valley where Avalan Castle is located the village is the port on the shore there are ships that load you into the other sections of the world. its broken up into 5 world sections.

Now you can load into any world level but the main quest to find your father you have to load into the next one the quest says to do so.
But each section, NPC players become harder to kill as well as boss characters in game same as wildlife you will encounter as you play,
I've added power swords to the game to help with this but they are hidden all over Dietara with that said what i mean by power swords they are enchanted swords that can shoot out fire balls, Poison and magic aswell as magic books you can use but the power swords are the strongest.

To get around in Dietara I've added boat's you can use to float down river's or lake's or you can use teleporter's to jump from one side of map to the other in case you want to speed things up or take a walk and enjoy the scenery. you will also encounter battles with armies you can join
kinda like capture the flag but you got to siege the castle to win every battle has your army ready to help fight with you till death.

so here's a list of what i done so far

- Quest system 24 quests so far
- about 40 enterable houses including taverns
- Caves, temples, dungeons you can explore also includes some bosses to fight
- 6 boss characters to defeat
- Currency System/ Blacksmith shops
- Save/load spots in game
- hidden treasures under water and around Dietara
- Battle ground castle Siege's
- Weapons power swords
- 13 Levels to visit including world maps

but this is still a Work in Progress but i will be adding updates with pics soon here are some pics of what i have so far

Thank you for taking the time to veiw my games work in progress and i will update soon


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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 20:06
That's looking and sounding really good.
Some great shots there .
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 20:28
I like it
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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 21:50
Beautiful scenery. Well done!
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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 23:31

Thank you guys, here's some more pics

These are pics of redwood castle and another village viking style


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science boy
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Posted: 15th Aug 2019 23:56
I love this..... You are the king of epic country shots inspiring work.
an unquenchable thirst for knowledge of game creation!!!
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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 02:52
It looks wonderful!
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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 18:47
I like it, very nice.
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Posted: 16th Aug 2019 19:10
I got a lot of screenshots so here is some more of my dungeons,cave and temple. I would like to mention the title and logo for my game were hand drawn by me then my digital work i use Krita X64 its like photoshop. But the screenshots are in game and i use reshade although it looks good without it but for extra effect i like it.


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Posted: 17th Aug 2019 02:34
Some nice nature/environment maps in there Good work.
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Posted: 18th Aug 2019 05:53
Thank you guys. To be honest it was you guys inspiring me when i first joined the forums so i got to give a big hand to the community if it wasn't for the forums my game wouldn't be where it is today. As that said i have some more screenshots of Redwood Forest map I'm currently working on,


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Pirate Myke
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Posted: 18th Aug 2019 11:30
This is looking great. Nice job so far.
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Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.81GHz, 12GB RAM, Nvidia gtx1050ti 4gb, Windows 10 Home 64bit, Screen resolution 1920 x 1080. System Passmark 3774

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Posted: 20th Aug 2019 09:58
This looks amazing... really well done. I guess the performance is good too, it seems well polished already!
Looking forward to see more! GREAT JOB
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Posted: 20th Aug 2019 20:22
thank you, its surprising when i first started designing my main map before the public preview it was impossible but then i didn't consider a lot of thing s when building this game so i took a step back looked at tutorials and realized all the work around's i could do for example physics turning off a lot on my vegetation and smaller trees even though their is a lot of foliage it seems great so far fps seems good i still have more optimizations to do but i feel like I've finally got a game worth working on and i'm inspired by it.

As for that i created a lot assets as in tudor's, taverns and banquet halls in ebe editor I found they added a liitle bit more kb in memory in my levels which i had to take into account i will be making them entities see if that helps any. Also i found resizing textures like the terrain
i had mine at 2048 x 2048 but sized them to 1024 x 1024 i noticed it doesn't make to much difference but helps.

Now the pics may look like this game might not run well with everything i have in those levels but it runs well theirs still a bit of fps drops but more or less its great, even in standalone its great other then the load time.

i am considering a demo soon just so people can get an idea and feel for the game and also see how it will run on others systems just because it works on my comp might not be the case for others. I'm always open to ideas and criticism to help improve my game. I am very determined to get this game to a actual release i think this game will be fun for everyone.

thank you again and keep watching close for more updates and pics


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Posted: 24th Aug 2019 17:46
So here are some more screenshots of my buildings i made in ebe editor

also here's a few screenshots of Redwood Castle I've changed a few things in the level I took out torches and replaced them with lamps i want to give Redwood Castle a more modern feel i also took out fencing and added walls


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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 05:16
Man that looks awesome.
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Posted: 25th Aug 2019 10:49

This effect is horrible, the rest really beautiful.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2019 02:06
Quote: "This effect is horrible, the rest really beautiful."

Ye not keen on that myself but is this is outstanding .. Probably the best i have ever seen.

The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 26th Aug 2019 10:00
WOW, this is seriously impressive..... such amazingly natural looking scenes here.

Beautiful lighting.

Natural landscapes.

Amazing interiors.

I can see a lot of work has gone into the details on this game, nice to see that.
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Posted: 4th Sep 2019 00:41
@ logtd - Hi Yes the effects on that one are a work in progress my main goal is to get all my levels complete and running well before i get to textures on some of my ebe models. I do appreciate your honesty

@ Synchromesh and Tarkus1971 - Thank you yes a lot of time spent in developing this game i just surpassed six months and still have a lot of work to do but with all games patience is a virtue

Which brings me to what i have done in the last week

I've just finished 2 of my main maps Avalan Valley And Redwood Forest
which include

-Teleport system to jump you from one end of the map to the other if time is an issue and you need to get there faster
- maps ( only work on main maps ) when pressing "M"
- Hud's for ammo and health
- Bandit camps
- Assassins that spawn when close ( Their out to kill you )
- Quest system now has 18 out of the 24 are complete
- Drive able boats near old docks on the water
- the first village Vangaurd has a port system there's a ship that will take you to other places Via win zone's but to get from Avalan Valley to
Redwood Forest you will need to take ship and so on
- currency system / shops to buy weapons like swords, bows etc except power swords they are hidden
- and also Armour you can obtain winning Battle ground battles Which can repel damage and inflict it on your enemies

Working on next week

- my Rome map, desert map and arctic map which include villages and castles
- detailing existing maps temples, dungeons
- and drinking lots of coffee he he

Here's some pics of the maps I've finished but i wanted you guys to get a feel of what I'm doing with the main maps now I have finish 2 out of the 5 so picture i have Avalan Valley which is the centre. Then there's Redwood forest on the right side so after that ill have the left side,top and bottom. These will all be loaded into by using ships at ports

And here's some of my hud pics these pics were taken in standalone while i was messing around

here is one with hud and in game map


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Posted: 20th Sep 2019 23:11
Alright I'm back this week with new screenshots of what I've been doing thus far I've created the 3rd world map to my game calling it the Ravenna region which isn't completed yet but pretty close. I've also created a new village and a roman city for the map including a cave under the waterfall and a roman temple. I gave my world map a different look to fit the roman era with use of other foliage trees and textures

So here's what i got so far

And here's a few screenshots of Ravenna city so far

Once i have completed my other maps i will upload more screenshot of the progress thank you for checking out my thread.


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Posted: 21st Sep 2019 05:05 Edited at: 21st Sep 2019 05:08
So far so good, its really going 2 be a sandbox?How many fps u got?
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Posted: 21st Sep 2019 13:00
All looks so very natural .. Outstanding work ..
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 21st Sep 2019 15:29
@ osiem80 - Hi yes I'm planning on a sandbox type game for this project, now it would be nice hopefully soon that will be able to have infinite terrain but with my workaround I've broke it up into 5 world maps to explore for now which are full maps. I also feel like when you play this game I want you to feel like there more to do then just quest's.

And as for FPS considering i haven 't optimized my levels yet run between 40 to 60 fps depending where you are on the map but before the update in june it was worse. And with that once I get to optimizing i hope i can get it to an even 60 so its not perfect yet but getting there. I will be uploading video's soon of progress so people can see what it looks like as a standalone and get a feel for the game.

@synchromesh- Thank you i appreciate it
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Posted: 23rd Sep 2019 17:42
I also have been doing a write up on the history on villages and castles in there regions so readers get comfortable. This will be included with game as well as all my screenshots when game is finished

Dietara World- the word Dietara comes from the language known as the Elwakie language which means Peaceful lands. Dietara's 5 region's make up the whole world.
In these regions are different cultures and races of people living here from the roman empire to the medieval times. but with different aspect's of life from
where they rose there villages or cities they encountered different skills in building iron mining and forging weapons and armours for there armies as well as their fortification.


Avalan Castle - Constructed in 400 C.E Avalan castle was built using the stone from the mountain's which were transported back to the area Avalan sit now. Housing
in Avalan were constructed using cladding and oak wood making these two story Tudors look the part in Avalans interior. In Avalans history it has defended from three
attacks and with stood them all although many casualties were lost during those battles.

Poverty started to take over during 480 C.E at the start of the dark age many died due to hunger and famine. Avalan struggled threw cold winters, and months to even
years with barely any food population declined to a sliver of 200 people from of population of 1000. But not all was lost The last king (your father) came to the
throne with a vision of restoring Avalan back to its glory in which case a year later thing's started looking up the king lowered taxes and sent out attacks on bandits
in the area so they could once more grow crops. and since then Avalan's population has doubled

Vanguard Village - The Port of Dietara and also The church is one of the oldest churches in the world it was constructed in 164 C.E alongside with the rest of the village
completed in 230 C.E. With its wooden fencing defending it from wildlife and bandits it has done very well staying out of the way of war, although its been looted many
times over isn't enough to stop transport ship's from making there drops. Viscounts controlled these villages under the king of course these villages had to stay neutral
or no trading would have ever occurred small house's were constructed with stone and thatched roofs which kept them warmer in winter months. As well as the banquet hall and storage barns.

They also used spruce trees for the flooring but like most villages they didn't have the best of the best wood furniture and tables were all they had and a fire place. In
489 C.E is when Vanguard experienced its first blow of recession when of fleet of templer war ship destroy boats coming and going from Vanguard making it hard for traders
to sell or buy putting Vanguard in the kings dept and in that time Loans were granted to keep them afloat untill the Avalan Knight's torched all the templar's boats anchored
by the shore of Demone Island. As it stands Vanguard honoured there dept but are not as prosperous as it once was.


Redwood Castle - Redwood Castle was constructed in 426 C.E A more advance stone castle of its time and certainly looking more modern with lamps and streets. It was built around
St Lenuwick church built of stone in 409 C.E it is known for its RedWood half walls that took foresters 4 weeks to cut one tree down to build these timeless materpeices. RedWood
under went a new construction of the east wall when it was attacked by Roman soldiers for territory destroying the wall that connects the two sides together but Redwood forces were
to many for the roman's and they retreated.

Redwood Castle is the most known castle by settlers only because at the time behind these massive walls was a safe haven for anyone trying to get away from war. The King of Redwood
King John Kastiel, was a powerful man and ruthless but fair at the same time was the second ruler to the throne he was the first to appoint Siege Engineer's that created catapults
to help with attacks or entry to other castles they were attacking. The Redwood Population were very educated from inventors to blacksmiths making the strongest armours at the start
of the dark ages Redwood almost seemed to be ready for it as John would have trained huntsmen and foragers at the time although foraging has always been around as well as hunters
other regions only had so few or died making Rewood castle stronger at the time.

Akrar Village - Akrar village is a viking village built in 416 C.E just before Redwood castle a lot of the population of Akrar are vikings that fled after being forced to move from
there own homes. They eventually came to Redwood Region to start over and when the castle was built years later they signed a peace treaty with the first king of redwood that still
stands today and with that the king ordered resources to help reinforce there village as long as they stay neutral. As the dark age hit Akrar had its first brush of death when orcs
from the underworld burned half the village down leaving it in ashes the orcs took over the village taking the villagers as slaves and used the village as there base.

But one person would fight back except an man named Nolan Besidus a roman, planned an attack that took two years to plan it was a basic take over done while the orcs were sleeping.
As Nolan knew how to defeat these creatures but he needed all the slave to band up to do it and also the benefit of being trapped in the old banquet hall where Nolan Knew all the
secret tunnels to get out. The plan was to wait till they slept and sneak up and spear them in the heart's without causing a disruption to alert the other orc's and take the village
back and as the story goes the plan succeeded and the village was taken back, and Nolan Besidus became a legend as it was the start of the war to take back Dietara.

Now the history is from the first two regions i will continue with the history of my castles and villages once i get the other regions done thank you for taking the time to read this
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Posted: 27th Sep 2019 19:35
Alright some more work has been done on my roman levels this week now there not completely finished but enough to show you guys on the forum what I've been up to

so here's my roman village

Here is some screenshots of Ravenna's dungeon with fighting pit ill probably put a boss to fight here to win this level

and last but not least is my roman temple i hope you enjoy these shots

and that's all i got this week. And as i said before i will be working on a game play video this next week to show you how everything runs.
i've run into a few bug's i gotta fix but miner fixes so stay tuned.


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Posted: 7th Oct 2019 00:13
Alright after a week of work i finally have a good base for my game with that said I went and started off my two last open world map's the desert and the arctic. I've slowed down a bit to look back on my other levels and decided to complete each map level before going on to my smaller levels as i progress. And when i started this thread i had only 13 levels which has turned into 25 which I've now capped.

Now its on to the next stage and that is detailing my levels and finishing touch ups. Although in some screen shot's their are characters i have not fully implemented they were place holders i would like to create my own eventually ( i may keep a few cause they look great ) but for the feel of originality i will be creating my own in the future. I've also this week took a dive into the effectbank to check out the entity water shader
so i could create my own water entities Waterfall, Pond etc. I have a video demonstrating the water the water fall model was created by Lafette mills hill pack i just used it as example to see how it would look still needs work like colour to match lakes as you can see. Theirs also a video of a walkthrough of the first open map aswell i hope you enjoy.

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Posted: 6th Nov 2019 21:56
I'm back with another update I've now finished off three of my main maps now took a bit but now there finally complete. I also took time off to focus on my website i will eventually finish soon which will feature updates on Dietara and up coming projects. Moving on to my next level I've been designing is my desert map I have never done desert maps yet so it was interesting, it was the first time for me using that ramp terrain tool that gave me the nice canyon look to it. I will say this is one of the easiest maps if done out of the five it also inspired me to add
a few things as well like environmental dangers like plants that can hurt you if you get to close. And a new character the scarab beetle they will run from you but if you get to close they can give a nasty bite.

And on every map i have now implemented my character and weapon mechanics for example

on Dietara's map

wildlife health is set like this

Wolves 30
Bears 50


and weapon strength would be set to say

Sword 5
Bow and arrow 10

but as you get to the next map and so on the values of set health and strength go up this may change as its work in progress. This also
includes bosses. but Power Swords and any magic weapon stay at the same value, But enough about that here's some pics of my desert map so far i hope you enjoy and stay tuned.

These flowers can cause you harm stay away from these


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Posted: 22nd Nov 2019 20:19
So i decided i needed to change a few thing s in my game one was the sky box i was using a stock one and decided to change it to one i created here's some pics

I've also been working on Raiken City, a big city in the desert all the buildings were done in the ebe editor but still very work in progress there's also the village here's some pics

here is some pics of the village so far

I'm finally getting to the end of my level's being complete i will then be going over all levels to add or remove props and detail it more i'm hoping to get some modelling time in so i can add some of my own work in soon as well as creating characters. And now that I have more time i will be dedicating it to completing this game. thank you for following my progress



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Posted: 26th Nov 2019 03:43
last but not least is my winter map the last map of the five as I will be going to be going threw all the levels now and polishing them I get to do the fun part and give it a real medieval feel with interiors all the buildings are enter able so i ll be taking the time to spruce them up I will post pics soon of that but for now here's my winter map some with no snow effect and some with


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Posted: 1st Dec 2019 07:06
just wanted to show you guys some of the models I've been working on just gotta work on the UV mapping but for my first few models i think i did alright

the pics are

a bar


storage drawers

I also wanted to show my last level map where you will encounter the last battle i hope you like and stay tuned for more updates soon


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Posted: 4th Dec 2019 19:15
some more in game screenshots of my models i created kitchen stove, table bench and bar stand

also some more pic's of my last level as it desend's into a cave area with lava


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Posted: 18th Dec 2019 19:43



Its about a week before Christmas So I thought I'd take the time to tell you after this month I'll be hitting 10 months
into the development of Dietara. It has been an interesting 10 months of grinding away at levels and design it seems it
was just yesterday when i started this project, except how far I've advanced since then it amazes myself.

And as I've also mentioned before sometimes I take a step back and get better ideas. So I've been thinking of revising
my game not fully but i feel i could have done a way better job with my open maps and a few levels. My castles and villages
are not being changed or temples,dungeons. A few caves and maybe added mines may be in the works I just felt the landscape of
my main maps weren't up to par with what i wanted overall for this game and i also left out old ideas from my first backup
levels ever made.

So with that being said The Year Is Nigh update V0.6 is now in the works which includes

- New Maps ( more depth )
- Adding mines and new start marker in a small farming village
- overhaul for particle effects also included water waves and weather
- new teleport model other props included now
- fishing areas ( in villages currently )
- trading posts ( in open map areas )

With that everything I've already included before this update stays the same and I'm happy to say I'm about 45% done this game.
I don't have a release date yet but when this project hits V 1.0 I hope to have a complete game and be released next year but
i still have months of work to do before i can even say for sure it will be released.So I'm still on track and still motivated
since i got started on my new map Dietara region here is some spoilers of what to come in V 0.6


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Posted: 19th Jan 2020 20:38 Edited at: 19th Jan 2020 20:39
Stunning stuff!! Really large maps too. I am a bit worried about what there will be gameplay wise in these huge areas?
If there is something I'd criticise, its that a lot of props seem to lack shader maps or have the wrong ones. Lot of glistening rock and metallic seeming architecture where there shouldn't be. (also those old mega pack props I made a decade ago, if I ever update them, I will send you a free link).

Whenever you use your own art stuff, it looks ten times better! You have a really good eye to make a scene work. I'd love to see some of these new areas in motion
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Posted: 5th Feb 2020 01:42 Edited at: 5th Feb 2020 02:20

Alright its been awhile since i updated last as I ran into some challenges with the game that needed attending as i switched computer's
and my Ebe's did not like that so i had to re save and make them into entities which in turn i had to rebuild levels, but i had backups so all is not lost. I also realized with the help of other's that size isn't everything lol, and what i mean by that is open world maps I've decided to change them up and shrink them down using trees with collision boxes blocking you from areas not used although i don't mind trying to make huge maps I'm more concerned about game play and being able to add a bit more closing in open areas I should have did this from the start but ....

I've also shrunk down castle levels as they were big and am adding a new castle for redwood with harbour so really the work is on rebuilding levels but also being smart about what goes in so I've been dabbling into Blender and have created my own assets not the best but suits its needs as you will see in some of the Tudor screenshots. I will be using others assets as well since there's a few that look good
and I've also bought a few to add, to those that i add there assets will be credited also.

@Wolf yes since I've seen your comment I've adjusted some of the textures that had the shine to them and also realized i had spec up to 500 instead of 100 lol my bad but thank you i appreciated any help you can give

that also goes to a lot of you guys that have supported this project since I've posted it means a lot. So with no further a do here's the new
Dietara 2020 maps so far

and some screenshots as well like always now these are different maps of Dietara and Redwood and castles so from the last Dietara update and so on will be all new and i will only post new levels and updates from this point

also I've been working on characters my merchant, avalan guard, High elves and civilians I also re textured the rock golem not sure if ill use him but maybe, more to come soon

and as i said before about a demo i've looked into it i feel i need to put on hold as this project is big and time is consuming and time is needed to make a good game work. So hopefully by this next month ill have half my game back in order which is going faster then planned
and will keep you posted. i also have more to post this week on smaller levels and battle grounds so stay tuned....


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Posted: 5th Feb 2020 23:29

I applaud your perseverance on pushing on with this! You make some very great scenes with a certain sense of grandeur to them. I also like the seamless transition between town and forest in that video.

Now, we've spoken in private earlier and you know I quite like the game but there are a lot of things that show up in most screenshots that I'd like to address. Keep in mind, this is just my opinion on some things that I think could be improved.

*I'm going to assume that you are a very orderly person IRL? Because a lot of props, buildings and even trees are arranged in an incredibly orderly fashion. There are exact buildings, with exact fences next to each other. Trees in a straight line that all face in the same direction, textures repeating over and over, even the stools in that house have the straightest planks I've ever seen. Its all clinically orderly and that clases enormously with the fantasy setting.

These trees are an example from the vid and this is another prime example of what I mean. It seems very artificial this way.

* Some of these textures you use tile rather obviously. There is also an issue with really rough normal maps on some objects that make them look low res. If there is one thing I know, fantasy game players like their wood textures to be sharp

Also that one "fachwerk" house texture is over used and not up to the standards of the rest of the game.

Alright, enough complaining! I really like this project and best luck with developing it further!!



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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 00:47
@Wolf- Yes now that you've pointed that out i never really thought about the straightness of a lot of the models and trees i actually was thinking about that today, although I'm not that organized lol as my wife would say. I'm gonna address that soon as for most part the vid was just to show that it runs ok with loading overall.

As for textures yes theirs a fair bit of work to do on them i have done some work but my main concern as you've mentioned about open world
was being able to get a smooth running level with so many trees so i slapped them in to test the limits. but now that ive cut down on the amount of trees i will probably get working on textures soon and angling them so its not so straight same as my benches and tables, they were my first models made lol so i got excited. and i am using a few from the foliage stock the bigger trees i just textured them cause i didn't want the stock texture s.

i may even switch from Ebe buildings to models but I've just started modelling and don't know if i can make really good ones yet but all in do time i say. I really appreciate your honesty considering sometimes you need more then two eyes to point out thing's i may have missed and now can look back on my thread and see what other's ideas or things they see i may need to change, only makes my game that much better.

now i wasn't gonna post yet on my very early maps but i cant help it these are my desert and roman maps very early stages as i'm working on them now. I've never really done desert maps as much so the colours and visual is a little different also working on mountain system in the background


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Posted: 7th Feb 2020 09:48 Edited at: 7th Feb 2020 10:28
I agree with Wolf, straight lines are rare in nature, even man made objects have imperfections. Try not to line things up perfectly, it's an issue i have too, i find myself lining everything up perfectly without thinking about it, the hell of having OCPD

Something you seem to have done to an extent is to make sure there are no flat areas, except where man has come along and poored concrete there are very few perfectly flat areas of ground, in Blender when creating ground i always use a noise texture alpha to rough up the ground. Try doing what you are doing, but with lots and lots of very small bumps and dips to give it a rugged profile.

Also, what i found helps make terrain look better is to just slightly raise the ground around the roots of trees, only a tiney amout, but enough to break up the ground and blender the tree in, it helps make trees look as if they're growing out of the ground rather than sitting on top of it, i'd suggest locking the tree while doing this so it doesn't move.

Again with the trees don't have them all standing up straight, take a look at a project i'm working on at the moment for a competition i'm in, note how the trees are all leaning at slightly different angles, it makes it looks much more natural.

Edit: This thread takes forever to load because of all the 1920x1080 screenshots, it would be best if you reduced the size to about 75% and upload them all, but only embed a select few and point to attachments saying there are more to view.

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Posted: 21st Feb 2020 18:52
another update, As Belidos has pointed out i apologize about the loading time of my thread as the pics are big in size and can be annoying waiting on them to load. Now that i realize this i will reduce the size of my pics and leave the rest as attachments to view and soon i will be just be uploading videos i just wanted to show off my work from this last week with my arid Desert map which now completes all 5. I've also stated this already, that i had completed these maps but as I've also said I've had to rebuild a few and i wasn't happy with how the old map was made and decided to change it, I think i did a way better job with the new maps and I'm happy with them as i move on to the smaller levels of my project


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Posted: 22nd Feb 2020 22:30
Impressive work c4ever08.
Amazing Map work.
I will be watching this thread!
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Posted: 27th Feb 2020 01:01
here's some pics of my interior's I've just finished there's a few things ill be adding but for now its staring to look alright so far

I would also like to add my website is up now although ill have to register a domain name this is were ill currently be updating frequently ,
Such as new projects as well coming up please feel free to browse. I will sugest putting link in top search bar as it wont work in googles search yet and bookmark it, also when going to the game projects page just click on pic for more pages of current projects.

heres the link;
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2020 10:47
Good progress
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Posted: 6th Mar 2020 23:57
Thank you Wolf

I would like to bring on another update as I've now finished off two regions as i showed you in last video, I have now completed the smaller levels to those regions I'm now working on Redwood Castle and harbour as i am in rebuilding that as well as the cave's dungeon's mine and
temples as they needed some work, but they are final version's of these levels as i move forward to the Rome, desert and arctic regions.

I've also been testing standalone version as well to make sure all levels load in ok and it seems to be running well, I've created a video showing some more progress and new scenes within the older levels . I will also link my website pics as I've been updating that as well as here. Thank you for your time


link to picture's
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Posted: 7th Mar 2020 15:57
Interesting area but that gameplay needs a lot of work
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Posted: 7th Mar 2020 19:21
@ Wolf yes these maps are part of quest's as i will be putting bosses to defeat as part of the quest's. Also these maps are where my power swords will be hidden as each region character Npc become tougher to beat. Although i have the goblins in there they were for testing as i found characters like to do weird things as in not move when spawned and other issues. But once i get levels complete i will be doing more with gameplay, characters once its all finished which will be awhile away
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 19:24
that cave is amazing! Nice job !!
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Posted: 9th Mar 2020 21:56
I LOVE the cavern at the end, that's stunning!
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Posted: 12th Apr 2020 06:41

Another update, Hello everyone hope everyone's doing well on lock down and are safe at home with there families as
i have been and also working on this project as I have a lot more time to devote to it. Its now since march a year
on developing this project as its been a bumpy road since when i started till now, but I've also noticed a huge
improvement on my level design as i went and changed it a few times which of course set me back but i don't regret it
as seeing what I've accomplished so far was well worth the struggle.

I've now finished Redwood Castle and Harbour as i had to split them into two different levels as their was a lot going
on and fps dropping in areas but since I've spit it up it seems to be running way better.With that being said I'm also
going to be reworking my questing system as it needs lots of improvement but i have now got the currency in game to
work with shops, Armouries located at each castle village or Trading post. Theirs a lot of locked doors and cells in Dietara
and instead of using keys i have made my own lock picks there are three different types Basic, Advanced and Expert I may
eventually use a lock picking system.

Sadly i did have to sacrifice some of my ideas as in treasures in water I have removed them but added them to land instead
as water caused a lot of lag I found may also be my system. So when you come across bandit camps there will be chest to open
and loot, I may change teleporter's too, you'll have to activate them via Runes and will be able to teleport back and fourth to
each map but other then that everything is still going smoothly so far for now. So here are some screenshots from when i first
started Dietara and what it looks like now and also of my Harbours and Port's of Dietara thank you for taking the interest in
my project and stay tuned for more ( As in more game play features and vid's )

A week after starting Dietara last year of march 2019

And here's one from present day, what a difference

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Posted: 12th Apr 2020 10:04
There's a couple of lock picking script on the TGC store, if you don't want to write something from scratch.

You've certainly come a long way in a year!

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Posted: 14th Jun 2020 22:52
Thank you @Avenging Eagle I appreciate the help

Deitara Dark Age : The Rebuild

How is everyone hope your all doing well,as am I and my project Dietara I'd like to take this time to tell you i have once again changed a lot since I posted about a month or so ago. As of lock down I've been experimenting a little bit with different builds of open world maps which i included on the WIP on discord with new hud's for health ammo an currency as well as a speed bar it basically will go down as you run and has a cool down before you can run again. Also I recreated the first open map as it was another test map i was using but turned into something more as it went on so i decided to use it as well as adding weather to each region for example the first map you play on is a temperate map with a bit of rain after a storm and as you move on the weather will change as well as skybox just for that change in scenery.

Graphically I've decided to tone down the orange fog and get rid of the sunset sky altogether although temples and caves etc with still have there look but i really wanted to capture a more dark ages feel rather then the fantasy i was creating (Not saying it was bad but theirs always room for improvement) and as i said in my first post i wanted to go with a bit of realism.But that doesn't mean this projects perfect I'm sure a lot of you have had many issues while creating your work so i cant say mines flawless cause id be lying considering this is the third time i decided to rebuild but for the better. This project had a lot of levels to go threw so i also decided to scratch a few from the list so i wont be adding the roman element to the game instead it will be the vikings as I've reduced the open world maps to four.

There is still a lot of work ahead as i would like to have this finished before the release of Game Guru Max as i would like to keep it as a classic game.I now conclude this post by saying i have a few screenshots to post but just to show off the hud, as well as the work redone on my project so some images may have been already shown but these show the new look i appreciate you taking the time to read my thread and taking interest.

Also you can check out my web site out at

here's the screenshot with new hud in the right bottom cornor , I've got to give a big thanks to Maverick1981 for the feedback as my old hud took up alot of the screen so i simplified it so it wasn't a distraction

I would also like to mention this is now the finalized version of my project no more changes I've posted more pics as attachments .

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