Ok just completed the map the places are actual screenshots of the map then jazzed up with paint .net. reading what you have put now AM cheers m8.
and still has room for expansion at a later date.
I was thinking it is a very similar idea to smallg's old teleport to other maps script (which I usually use for this type of game) although it doesn't use the map clicking it uses a menu
-script by smallg Modified by Myke Price
-- range to be able to use teleporter
local use_range = 120
--key to use teleporter
local input_key = "e"
--entity number of real pad used to port to
--put name of this entity inside the 'ifused' field of teleporter
local port_pad = 2
--delay until port
--rx = 1 is 1 second / rx = 10 is 10 seconds / etc
local rx = 3
--number of destinations
--*you must set names and target entity numbers for these in the init(e) part*
local max_dest = 4
local dest_number = {}
local levelname = {}
local state = {}
local pressed = 0
local delay = 0
local x = 50
local y = 10
local dest = 1
local rx_init = rx
function teleport_other_maps_init(e)
--input entity number of area's here
--***not really needed
dest_number[1] = 4
dest_number[2] = 5
dest_number[3] = 6
dest_number[4] = 16
--dest_number[5] = 17
--dest_number[6] = 18
--dest_number[7] = 19
--dest_number[8] = 21
--dest_number[9] = 22
--name area's here ** Enter the name of you jump to levels
levelname[1] = "DarkHarbour"
levelname[2] = "DHlinduncity"
levelname[3] = "DHoakwood"
levelname[4] = "DHrogueisle"
--levelname[5] = "DarkHarbour_Court"
--levelname[6] = "DarkHarbour_Castle"
--levelname[7] = "NOT AVAILIABLE"
--levelname[8] = "NOT AVAILIABLE"
--destination[9] = "dropzone8"
state[e] = "init"
end --init
function teleport_other_maps_main(e)
if state[e] == "init" then
if GetPlayerDistance(e) <= use_range then
Text(44,50,1,"Press "..input_key .. " to Choose your mission")
if g_InKey == input_key and pressed == 0 then
state[e] = "select dest"
pressed = 1
rx = rx_init
y = 10
elseif state[e] == "select dest" then
for a = 1, max_dest do
--if you have bigger destination names then make the panel here bigger
--format = Panel(x1,y1,x2,y2)
TextCenterOnXColor(x,y,3,a .. " = " .. levelname[a],205,5,205)
y = y + 10
if g_Scancode == a+1 and pressed == 0 then
pressed = 1
dest = a
delay = GetTimer(e)
PromptDuration("Porting in " .. rx .. " : Destination = " .. levelname[dest],1000)
state[e] = "porting"
y= 10
elseif state[e] == "porting" then
if rx > -1 then
if GetTimer(e) > delay then
PromptDuration("Porting in " .. rx .. " : Destination = " .. levelname[dest],1000)
delay = GetTimer(e) + 1000
rx = rx - 1
-- Remmed out by Myke
--Remmed out by Myke to use different command.
--Not really needed as the screen fades to black.
--PromptDuration("You have reached " .. levelname[dest],2000)
state[e] = "init"
-- ** thinking about destroying the script hear, but then it become linear. Not optimal.
end --state
--reset input
if pressed == 1 and g_InKey == "" then
pressed = 0
end --main
function teleport_other_maps_exit(e)
end --exit
ok now to work on getting the map displayed.
I now have the map displaying but only on the distance check not via a keypress (slowly getting there lol)
local use_range = 80
--key to use teleporter
local input_key = "e"
local pressed = 0
-------------------- HUD Locations and Sizes --------------------
-- HUD BG --
--sprite location
local HUD_spr_posx = 0
local HUD_spr_posy = 0
--sprite size
local HUD_spr_sizex = 100
local HUD_spr_sizey = 100
function mapteleporter_init(e)
-- HUD BG --
HUD_sprite = LoadImage("scriptbank\\images\\TS\\map.png")--location of the HUD
HUD_icon = CreateSprite(HUD_sprite)
SetSpriteSize (HUD_icon,HUD_spr_sizex,HUD_spr_sizey)
SetSpriteDepth (HUD_sprite, 100)
function mapteleporter_main(e)
if GetPlayerDistance(e) <= use_range then
TextColor(39,93,1,"Click on your destination to Travel",9,255,0)
if g_InKey == input_key and pressed == 0 then
pressed = 1
-------------------- HUD BG --------------------
-- HideHuds()
PositionCamera( 0, g_PlayerPosX, g_PlayerPosY + 290, g_PlayerPosZ)
and the final look of the map
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on