not sure what you mean by regardless of angle, do you mean if it has rotated or is rotating during game etc?
if you want to the front of an object use its own Y angle (assumes a 0 X & Z) or the Rotate3D command in utillib.lua (for full 3D rotation) to work out the forward direction
modify the calculations to get the sides.
something like
local distance = 1
local ox,oy,oz = U.Rotate3D(0,0,distance,math.rad(g_Entity[e]['angx']),math.rad(g_Entity[e]['angy']),math.rad(g_Entity[e]['angz']))
local fx,fy,fz = g_Entity[e]['x']+ox,g_Entity[e]['y']+oy,g_Entity[e]['z']+oz
for the sides change the position of 'distance' - i think U.Rotate3D(-distance,0,0... and U.Rotate3D(distance,0,0... should be left / right
so the values fx,fy,fz now hold the world position of the position 'distance' units in front of the model... to check if you hit anything within that distance you can raycast to it
if IntersectAll(g_Entity[e]['x'],g_Entity[e]['y'],g_Entity[e]['z'],fx,fy,fz,g_Entity[e]['obj'])...
note; this assumes origin at center of model and that it faces north by default in GG (i.e. the model is set up same as stock media)