Different Loading Screens per level;
Shouldn't something like this-- the info of the thread on how to change
loading screens for each level be pinned on the forums??
Well I know that there are MANY questions that deserve a pin to easy
access, so there would eventually be a whole page (or 2) on pinned postings...
but still it seems like something should be done because in another month
or week maybe someone asks the same questions again-- not just this one.
Thanks people. Awesome job Graphix. Speaking of pinning important things...
This Asset Manager should always get a pin to the top of the threads.
Belidos I agree fully on fixing how GG should handle new info when creating the
levels-- it get loopy when you keep editing things-- but it's called an editor!!
I think (Graphix), instead of sticking your GREAT WORK onto the GG engine, you
should get the credit you deserve, and we all know how that goes when we start
talking compensation for work that benefits GG. It's a BIG can of worms.

So let's not bring it up-- but instead pin it to the forums and all help promote it.

This is Graphix work, he should put it both on TGC store and Steam+ personal site.
Maybe it could be a DLC though...?
Sanguis; "Perhaps just with a hook"... Excellent idea- something like that!