I have had several update notices over the last several weeks. They all have the same splash screen that shows 2019.07.01 July update.
The one for the 12th says the same. I think the splash screen does not change unless there major revisions. (what do I know)
The update on the 12th does contains a couple of additions in the setup.ini file. So I believe it is the latest. Perhaps lee could clear this up.
I have been checking my setup.inf file on occasion looking for indications that we can include terrain grass in the water, but nothing yet.
I have seen indications on different forum post that it is possible but I guess it is not available as of this update.
Windows 10 creator,64 bit| Intel i7-7700 @3.60GHZ Quad|CPU PASSMARK 10,794|Memory 16GB |NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1070|GPU PASSMARK 11,071