WOW! This is infuriating. So I struggled with this (I guess) simple script for
an hour or two hybridizing between smallg and AM because it never liked
several parts to either one. (that means I kept getting error codes.) Then I
validated small portions of AM script (particularly the >>for k, v in pairs( g_Entity ) do<<
portion, and yes, it worked, and so did the >>g_EntityElementMax<< function.
A note-- before this, I got the map to open error free, but my Text(x,y,z) debuggers
never appeared- like it was ignoring everything!
Well, after validating that small part of the code (which was NOT working a moment ago!!)
I went back to it, and without further changes-- suddenly it worked! (it ran) It's not perfect,
something is wrong, but at least it is running and the debugging text suddenly appears!
You probably think that I also have Bigfoot cousins that I go picnic lunch with and talk about
their adventures on UFO's with... and maybe so. But this kind of thing has happened
before, I walk away from the computer for a day or so, and this script that wouldn't
function at all-- throwing out completely irrational error code behavior, the next day works!--
without any changes.
I've even come across the experience of it saying "unexpected symbol" or "nil value" or
some kind of error on line 81 -- I go to line 81-- it's completely blank-- it's a space.
This is my life with lua lately, the more complex the worst. I get breaks once in a while
without these glitches, but when they prevail-- I want to throw a brick through the computer!
Okay- happy GG scripting everyone. I just had to rant about that.