Hi Guys, My first real questions at the GameGuru forum:
Sence I have been working with FPSC for 15 years Im not totally green with game creating and I was pretty good with Darkbasic too, but yesterday I did buy the pack that includes: GameGuru, AGK, AGK 3D Pack, AGK VR and GameGuru Loader. I think AGK seems great, just so many new commandos to learn (I was happy after I managed to texture a box, LOL!) And GameGuru looks fine too, just some AI problems.
So here is My questions:
1. I downloaded everything from Steam, but where is the AGK 3D Pack and GG Loader??? (I looked in the Steam, GG, AGK folder. Did I miss it?)
2. I place some waypoints behind a mountain and tried some different AI scripts on a shooting Character, first they just walk away from the waypoints and dont care really, why??? When I run after them to have some fun the AI is waiting for Me to shoot the first bullet and shoots very little by the way (Tried to change Firerate), and he can only discover Me from short distance, why? I have a pretty old version of GG, where can I update it to a newer version/beta? My version is from the middle of 2018...
Help needed!!!
Guess what Aiko and I did this weekend...