Feature Creep / Suggestions that would rock

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Posted: 23rd Jun 2019 10:07
Hey All
Some features that would give a awesome besides the planned things:

1 Easy copy paste (+more then 1 thing at a time). It could be a function like extract but without moving the selected objects. It could also just be ctrl+c ctrl+v and then they appear where the current selected objects are and selects the new ones ready to move around.
2 Search on tags for entities (all entities should have explaining tags from GG team).
3 Extend ai "view range" to max 5000.
4 Create waypoint with mouse like "Add new site".
5 Be able to make 10x undo.
6 Some zombies is still stuck sometimes.
7 Scale characters (Like you can with Dragon).
9 A better guide on import export models with textures made super simple but not leaving out steps on the easy part (2019 version) video with the newest tools and best if no plugins. What about the build in importer fbx2x ?

10 Moving objects (like traffic going about themself).
11 Respawning Enemies System (many things can be done manually but if all do it manually it might be good to have it as standard out of the box).

(I am currenly refused in github (email not supported) unless I make a new mail account)
Thanks in advance
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Posted: 28th Jun 2019 21:07
Yes. Those rock!
Some people don't script much, but for others who do
or would like to add several scripts, it would be nice
to have a window pop up where you could access all
the current scripts running-- get the most recent scripts,
like it does for all the entities used in the maps, because
sometimes the scripts are different names in different
folders, etcetra, etcetr, etcet, etce, etc... et.. e.

Along with this, I hope they are working on .fpe settings
inside GG just like we got properties and all that.
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Posted: 4th Aug 2019 22:41
1. copy and paste, we're asking for this since years.... lol
Old school FPS fan, DOOM!!! Why GG not working on my AMIGA 500?
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Posted: 21st Aug 2019 23:37
I agree, copy and pasting multiple items should be implemented.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2019 18:39
agree, with Wolf , copy and pasting multiple items should be implemented.
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Posted: 22nd Aug 2019 23:38
Yes indeed.
Another one that I feel would be useful.
First: Move properties panel to right side of screen - (it should have been there from the start after all )
Then we could:
- Click on entity in left panel
----- highlights all instances of the entity in the level
----- click on any of those and details show up in properties panel on right

Also everything on one layer is cumbersome to work with when trying to select specific components because everything is on the same layer. Sooooo:
-- models on one layer
-- game play markers on anotherr
-- audio markers on another
-- lights on another

So you can lock layers you aren't working on.

aka OldFlak
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Posted: 1st Sep 2019 18:39
Nice. Very good suggestions. Could copy and past be all that difficult?
Case in point. I spent 2 months putting together a building from small
pieces-- a very large building-- literally blocks, walls, floors and ceilings.
but I tried to use as large of piece as possible that was available to
re-create the actual building. Nevertheless, copy and paste would have
cut the time and effort down immensely!
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Posted: 6th Sep 2019 13:12
Quote: "Could copy and past be all that difficult?"

It was implemented once but Lee had to take it out as it caused big problems and had the intention to get back to it but never did
The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 6th Sep 2019 21:34 Edited at: 6th Sep 2019 21:41
Yes i made a similar thread a while ago.
I would add also these ones
-Change enemies weapons in the editor through properties, like in fpsc, instead of editing everytime the FPE file
-Droping weapons like in counter strike to make free space in the slot 4 another weapon
-Crawling button
-Mini-texture painting.Somethink like a spray tool in paint to painting smaller objects, spraying words on a wall/building.
-GIF support, for example for a TV model with animated screen gif-texture.
-Bullet impact effects on player(camera shake, little speed slowdown for a second if walk)

Dont be dissapointed but I talked with the creators of GG, seems like all our suggestions dont will be realized quickly.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2019 10:48
I would like to clone meshes at fly, in testgame/game mode.
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Posted: 13th Sep 2019 11:17
Quote: "-Droping weapons like in counter strike to make free space in the slot 4 another weapon"

We already sort of have that. The standard weapon script prompts you to press E to pick up when you are on an empty slot, and T to replace when you are on a slot that has a weapon in it already.

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Posted: 13th Sep 2019 13:29
Quote: "We already sort of have that. The standard weapon script prompts you to press E to pick up when you are on an empty slot, and T to replace when you are on a slot that has a weapon in it already."

I meant it in the sense of droping the weapon model away so u can take it later again, by pressing T the previous weapon just dissapear.
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Posted: 14th Sep 2019 20:34
I had the idea that a smaller terrain brush size could be useful.
For example to draw wave lines into the sand of a beach or to make little cracks into the ground.
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Posted: 15th Sep 2019 12:56 Edited at: 15th Sep 2019 13:00
Copy and paste would be great. But personally what I would like to see is a way to group and save a group of objects. Imagine the ebe (Place a marker and you get a build area). Then you add entities to the field. Then you could move, copy and paste the field. You could also save the field as if it were an entity for using in other maps. For example, I could take a house interior model, add doors, furniture and items to it and save the whole group like a prebuild.

Other things
Ability to vary the map size.
Ability to turn water and terrain on and off in the test game tab menu (instead of requiring a script).
Ability to make steeper cliffs or tunnel/dig underneath them.
Ability to paint a 'hole' in terrain so that players can walk through (connect to cave or tunnel etc).
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Posted: 1st Oct 2019 02:19
Working Light mapping and shadows

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