I might be over my head, or maybe GG might
be pulling the wool over my eyes-- just for today! HA!
GG is calling an error on the script where I can see no reason for it to call the
variables nill (comparing 2 nill values). They have certainly been assigned values.
Maybe it's a memory issue like I and others have confronted before?
Can you call an entity number from a script to an entity "greater"
than the scripted one? [e+1], [e+2], etc? I'm pretty sure this is possible,
and it's done inside main function, not even in init, so...?
I've already done this by both referencing a "lower" [e-1] entity, and higher [e+1]
with no problem...?
Example; wx[e+wg[e]] = g_Entity[e+wg[e]]['x']
whereas wg = 1 and higher
Do I need to throw a small script upon each "higher" entity to assign it already?
Use globals? Globals give me a headache, and actually GG never allows them for me.
I restarted GG, loaded test map again, still error.