* Portrait pictures whose eyes follow you around while you are at a distance,
but will become steady and flat when you get close to examine them
* food supplies squirming with maggots
* corpses squirming with maggots
* "Ghost/Spirit boxes " with flourescent light fields and deep reverberant voices occasionally uttering short sentences
("Weeee can seeeeee yoooouuuuuuuuuu", "HE is coming" ... things like that, optionally also using a faint, whispy female voice ).
* K2 EMF meters with frantically flickering LED scales
* "Unreliable torchlights", starting to flicker or fade off or on at the least convenient moment,i.e. when a monster is near or the path becomes really difficult/dangerous
* Pre-digital age TV sets showing white noise semi-transparently superimposed on half-discernible scenes and vistas,
showing vague moving shapes
* rotatable wall segments (such as cold fireplaces) hiding/giving way to secret passages
* trapdoors
* slightly undulating/distorting passages
Lives of great men all remind us we may make our lives sublime
Core i7 4710 QM GTX 980 MQ 16GB RAM Win7