1 : Actual Particle Effects
Please add actual particle effects like REAL SMOKE and real realistic flames to the game. I think this would be a valid addition to the engine as using rotating decals for flames is becoming outdated. Also dynamic moving ground fog would be highly appreciated

to create more atmospheric games. I also believe for the smoke/fog should be interactive with the light would be a good idea.
2 : Moving objects
Please make the way point system interactable with objects, just so we can make more realistic traffic, 3D platformers etc... This would also be good for newer people as currently to move objects you need to use LUA scripting, whereas I would argue its essentially a massive part of all games to be able to move objects.
3 : Respawning Enemies System
Please add a system to respawn enemies thats easy, so we can make survival games ALOT easier. So if an enemy dies he waits x amount of seconds before respawning.
4 : Better lighting
There's no arguing GameGuru's aesthetic isn't outdated, with all the new PBR assets ( Thanks guys! ) this does lead me to believe the issue is with the lightning. I think adopting a lightning system like UNITY would actually be better as that is also simple and easy to use. It also looks a hell of a lot better.
4 : Better lightning Part 2
There is currently no way without scripting to create rotating lights, flickering lights or triggering lights. I do believe this to be quite harsh as ALOT of user friendly easy to use engines include this.
5 : How on earth do I import normal maps into the EBE??!?!??
Seriously how?!?!? Make this easier PLEASE! Also make a slider for the normal maps so you can control their depth.
6 : Zombie AI
Soldier AI is good enough for now, but zombie AI is seriously outdated and needs re-doing.
Genuienly it is atrotious at the moment and even considered unplayable.
Anyways thats my opinion on what needs doing so, epic? I guess...
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