Thank you, friends! Guess I have found what I looking for.
AmenMoses - I`m already read reccomrnded post. Great work, but I`m afraid it`s too hard for me at this moment - as I wrote, I`m not an expert in LUA yet ))).
Pirate Myke - I don`t thinked about height, thank for your note! Invisible entity is a nice idea. I think we can use any entity with its regular texture if will add in script string "Hide(e)".
-- LUA Script - precede every function and global member with lowercase name of script + '_main'
-- Player get close to entity then entity acts iike Trigger Zone and activated something defined in its "If Used" field
-- If string Hide(e) presents in script, entity will be invisible, like a regular Trigger Zone
function entity_as_trigger_zone_init(e)
function entity_as_trigger_zone_main(e)
PlayerDist = GetPlayerDistance(e)
if PlayerDist < 100 then
In this case any entity will be invisible and no need to create special invisible entity with black texture (I don`know why, but entity with black texture stays visible for me in GG, maybe I did something wrong).
Thanks again and good luck!
Best regards, Oversea.