I make a game using GameGuru and GGLoader (Great Tool), and noticed a problem loading a new level. When calculating collisions for characters, invisible spheres are used that are not deleted when loading a new level, it is possible to shoot in them , characters and a player cannot pass through them. I solved this problem for myself with the help of editing the Loadlevel () function - this function deletes objects of the current level and loads objects of a new level, but Preben probably forgot to add the removal of the invisible sphere of collision, I did it for my project. These invisible spheres are used for characters and will be present in a new level where the characters from the previous level were at the moment of completion of the level and loading a new one.
I wrote Preben via e-mail about this error, but so far I have not received a reply from him stating that he received information about the error. Maybe my letter got into spam, I don't know.
If someone is chatting with Preben at the moment, let him know about this error.
Screenshot of invisible object below.
The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.