Working on an underground level. I want to
place some ideas for editor features before I
forget them!

An option when you place the entity on ground for it to
not conform to the ground automatically, but that would be
optional for auto ground conformation or auto off option.
I will try to think of a better way to explain it later.
(IT'S NOW LATER) When you edit the terrain under an object
(rock, wall, etc), they tend to fall down to the point that you "dug"
or rise also if you lift the ground. Sometimes you don't want them
to move at all, therefore you must "lock" them.
Then when they are locked, they (the edges) are hard to see--
therefore my next suggestion;
Another feature when you lock entity with widget, option to make
entity see through or remain solid as original. (maybe have color change)
Sometimes the see-through version is handy, sometimes it
causes (MUCH) harder editing. Make see through or standard as 2 options.