Tutorials & Guides / [LOCKED] Character Rigging in Fragmotion

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Posted: 11th Mar 2019 21:36 Edited at: 11th Mar 2019 21:37
This is a video tutorial how to rigg a static character model into a animated skeleton.It was made by "seppgirty" years ago for FPSC.
The video was on hes website "http://chaosbrosfilms.com".Fortunately, I managed to download it before the website went down.
Quality is not AAA but i learned with it.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2019 22:01
Havent had a chance to watch it yet im on my phone and any video other than YouTube doesnt fit the screen on this forum so i cant watch yet, but does it show hpw to add a firespot bone? Im having a nightmare adding firespot bones at the moment because no matter which way i point it in blender it ends up pointing the wrong way (i think its because blender wont rotate a bone in the long axis in edit mode) and i domt have a clue how to do it in fragmotion.

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Posted: 11th Mar 2019 22:43
Unfortunately no, its shows only how to assign the verticec to already existing bones.Are firespot bones not only for weapons?
Wolf made a tutorial how to rigg weapons in fragmotion, take a look on it, or ask him on priv, iam sure he knows how to add firespot bones, i never did it before myself.
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Posted: 11th Mar 2019 22:56
@ Belidos in fragmotion select the wrist bone then in the scelenton panel right click on the bone a select ad bone,rename it firepoint and move it to where you want it .i think I got that right

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