Tutorials & Guides / [LOCKED] Gun spec file Explained

Pirate Myke
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Posted: 20th Feb 2019 14:04
Many thanks to Errant AI:

;// R870 Pump Shotgun weapon spec Calibrated for Camera Distance=70, Weapon FOV=70+, Horizontal FOV=110

;// Mesh, Textures and Animation by Jake Cotton aka EAI (Errant AI) (c)2018 errant_ai@yahoo.com
;// https://www.tgcstore.net/artist/77474
;// https://eaimedia.com

;// Press [melee key] to melee
;// Right-Click to Aim Down Sights

;// Ammunition

poolammo = Errant AI\00BUCK12

reloadqty = 5 ;max number of cartridges in magazine
chamberedround = 1 ;max number of chambered cartridges
shotgun = 1 ;uses dynamic looped loading animations when performing reload
empty shotgun = 1 ;uses dynamic looped loading animations when performing reload of empty weapon

noautoreload = 1 ;disables automated reloading when out of in-gun ammo
nofullreload = 1 ;disables the ability to reload when weapon is fully topped up with ammo
forcezoomout = 1 ;allows weapon to be reloaded while aiming without releasing aim button
addtospare = 1 ;collected ammo is added to pooled ammo instead of being added directly to weapon

npcignorereload = 0 ;npc spawns with empty weapon

;// Range and damage

damage = 20 ;base damage per hitscan projectile
range = 1500 ;maximum range in inches
force = 40 ;amount of force applied to dynamic objects upon bullet impact
iterate = 8 ;number of additional hitscan projectiles per firing instance
scorchtype = 1 ;bullet hole decal type (currently n/a)
noscorch = 0 ;disables use of bullet hole decals (currently n/a)

melee damage = 5 ;melee damage value
melee range = 70 ;melee attack range in inches
melee force = 300 ;amount of force applied to dynamic objects upon melee impact
melee noscorch = 1 ;disables use of bullet hole decals for melee attack (currently n/a)

;// Accuracy

simplezoom = 1 ;value of 1 or higher enables aiming and sets magnification strength while aiming
accuracy = 25 ;bullet spread
runacc = 25 ;bullet spread while sprinting
simplezoomacc = 200 ;intensity of breath distruption while aiming
zoomaccuracy = 25 ;bullet spread while aiming
zoomaccuracybreathhold = 1 ;enables or disables ability to steady aiming using [zoomholdbreath] key defined in setup.ini
zoomaccuracybreath = 5000 ;maximum duration in ms that aim can be steadied before needing to take breath and try again
zoomaccuracyheld = 1 ;intensity of breath disruption while aim is steadied

;// Reliability

overheatafter = 1 ;weapon is hot after x number of shots. increase value for higher reliability.
cooldown = 1000 ;time after shot for overheatafter reset. decrease value for higher reliability.
jamchance = 10 ;percentage chance for stoppage while hot. decrease value for higher reliability.

;// HUD handling characteristics

disablemovespeedmod = 0 ;disables use of movespeed modification settings

zoomwalkspeed = 0.5 ;walk speed multiplier while aiming
zoomturnspeed = 0.6 ;turn speed multiplier while aiming
plrmovespeedmod = 0.8 ;move speed multiplier
plremptyspeedmod = 0.9 ;move speed multiplier with empty weapon
plrturnspeedmod = 1.0 ;turn speed multiplier
plrjumpspeedmod = 1.0 ;jump inertia multiplier
plrreloadspeedmod = 0.5 ;move speed multiplier while reloading

recoily = 50 ;recoil vertical disturbance
recoilyreturn = 95 ;recoil vertical return percentage
recoilx = 5 ;recoil horizontal disturbance
recoilxreturn = 90 ;recoil horizontal return percentage
zoomrecoily = 40 ;recoil vertical disturbance while aiming
zoomrecoilyreturn = 97 ;recoil vertical return percentage while aiming
zoomrecoilx = 2 ;recoil horizontal disturbance while aiming
zoomrecoilxreturn = 94 ;recoil horizontal return percentage while aiming

zoomgunlagspeed = 25 ;hud model drift inertia while aiming
zoomgunlagxmax = 6 ;hud model max vertical drift while aiming
zoomgunlagymax = 8 ;hud model max horizontal drift while aiming
gunlagspeed = 30 ;hud model drift inertia
gunlagxmax = 10 ;hud model max vertical drift
gunlagymax = 18 ;hud model max horizontal drift

simplezoomspeed = 10 ;speed of runy offset or non-ainmated zoomto/from transition

disablerunandshoot = 1 ;disables ability to fire weapon while sprinting

reloadspeed = 100 ;reload animation playback speed default 100

;// Visuals
textured =
effect = effectbank\reloaded\weapon_bone.fx
weapontype = 3
statuspanelcode = 100
vweaptex = R870
decal = muzzleflash4
decalforward = 100
invertnormal = 1 ;flag for -Y axis normal maps
preservetangents = 1 ;disable normal tangent shifting
boostintensity = 1 ;boost illumination effect

;//Model positions

horiz = 0 ;player weapon model horizontal position offset
vert = 0 ;player weapon model vertical position offset
forward = 0 ;player weapon model depth position offset
runy = -1 ;player weapon model vertical offset while sprinting
simplezoommod = 2 ;player weapon model fov adjustment while aiming to avoid near clip
simplezoomx = 0 ;player weapon model horizontal position offset while aiming - zeroed @ 85 weapon fov
simplezoomy = 0.14 ;player weapon model vertical position offset while aiming - zeroed @ 85 weapon fov

;// Muzzleflash

usespotlighting = 1 ;enables dynamic muzzleflash light effect when firing

muzzlecolorR = 252 ;muzzleflash light red value
muzzlecolorG = 150 ;muzzleflash light green value
muzzlecolorB = 54 ;muzzleflash light blue value

muzzleflash = 4 ;ID of muzzleflash decal when firing
simplezoomflash = 1 ;enables muzzleflash when firing while aimed
muzzlesize = 160 ;scale of muzzleflash decal
smokedecal = gunsmoke
alignx = 4 ;muzzleflash decal horizontal screenspace offset from center
aligny = -1 ;muzzleflash decal vertical screenspace offset from center
alignz = 40 ;muzzleflash decal distance from camera in inches
zoomalignx = 0 ;muzzleflash decal horizontal screenspace offset from center when aiming
zoomaligny = 0 ;muzzleflash decal vertical screenspace offset from center when aiming
zoomalignz = 50 ;muzzleflash decal distance from camera in inches when aiming

;// Brass System

brass = 12 ;brass model ID for dynamic ejecting cartridge cases
brasslife = 2000 ;brass model instance lifespan before despawning
brassangle = 80 ;base relative bearing for brass ejection
brassanglerand = 1 ;brassangle randomized deviation maximum
brassspeed = 70 ;brass ejection impulse
brassspeedrand = 0.1 ;brassspeed randomized deviation maximum
brassupward = 5 ;brass ejection vertical impulse
brassupwardrand = 0.1 ;brassupward randomized deviation maximum
brassrotx = 500 ;brass model x axis spin rate
brassrotxrand = 0.5 ;brassrotx randomized deviation maximum
brassroty = 500 ;brass model y axis spin rate
brassrotyrand = 0.5 ;brassroty randomized deviation maximum
brassrotz = -200 ;brass model z axis spin rate
brassrotzrand = 0.5 ;brassrotz randomized deviation maximum
brassdelay = 400 ;brass spawn delay in ms
zoom brassdelay = 230 ;brass zoom spawn delay in ms

;// HUD ANIMATION (timeline 0-1036)

keyframe ratio = 1 ;animation multiplier for weapons exported at other than 30 fps
simplezoomanim = 1 ;activates use of defined aiming mode animations
useempty = 1 ;activates use of defined empty weapon animations

select = 478,504 ;equip select
;select = 363,371 ;fast select
idle = 10,60
move = 116,156

runto = 207,221
run = 222,262
runfrom = 264,271

melee start = 407,411
melee end = 412,430

start fire = 910,911
end fire = 912,931
start fire 2 = 940,941
end fire 2 = 942,961
start fire 3 = 970,971
end fire 3 = 972,991
last start fire = 1000,1001
last end fire = 1002,1035

start reload = 593,598
reload loop = 599,618
end reload = 621,628
cock = 635,652

empty start reload = 585,590
empty reload loop = 599,618
empty end reload = 631,634
empty cock = 635,652

putaway = 374,382

empty select = 385,393
empty idle = 63,113
empty move = 160,200

empty runto = 287,301
empty run = 302,342
empty runfrom = 344,351

empty melee start = 437,441
empty melee end = 442,460

empty putaway = 314,322

zoomto = 656,660
zoom idle = 815,875
zoom move = 771,811

zoom start fire = 691,692
zoom end fire = 693,701
zoom start fire 2 = 705,706
zoom end fire 2 = 707,715
zoom start fire 3 = 719,720
zoom end fire 3 = 721,729
zoom last start fire = 733,734
zoom last end fire = 735,743

zoomfrom = 878,882

empty zoomto = 885,889
empty zoom idle = 815,875
empty zoom move = 771,811
empty zoomfrom = 890,894

;dryfire = 470,474 ;simple
dryfire = 544,576 ;with reset
;zoom dryfire = 734,738 ;simple
zoom dryfire = 752,761 ;with reset

fix jam = 510,539

;// GUN Sounds

sound1 = fire.ogg
sound2 = reload.ogg
sound3 = dryfire.ogg
sound4 = putaway.ogg
sound5 = melee.ogg
sound6 = pumpfull.ogg
sound7 = pumpstart.ogg
sound8 = pumpend.ogg

fireloop = 4000
soundstrength = 100

;// HUD sound frames list

soundframes = 21
sframe0 =

sframe1 = 485,6

sframe2 = 364,4
sframe3 = 386,4

sframe4 =
sframe5 = 604,2
sframe6 = 639,6

sframe7 = 408,5
sframe8 = 438,5

sframe9 = 520,6

sframe10 = 557,6
sframe11 = 756,6

;pump end
sframe12 = 695,6
sframe13 = 709,6
sframe14 = 723,6
sframe15 = 737,6

sframe16 = 920,6
sframe17 = 950,6
sframe18 = 980,6
sframe19 = 1011,7
sframe20 = 1021,8
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz, 2400 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s), 8gb RAM, Nvidia gtx660, Windows 7 Pro 64bit, Screen resolution 1680 x 1050.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.81GHz, 12GB RAM, Nvidia gtx1050ti 4gb, Windows 10 Home 64bit, Screen resolution 1920 x 1080. System Passmark 3774

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