Scripts / Check for "allready spawned"

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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 13:45
Hi everyone

I wonder if there is a variable to check in the script wether a entity has allready been spawned that has "spawn at start = no" set in the editor.
It seems scripts are executed even when "no spawn" is set and the entity has not been spawned yet. Very odd...

Best, Snake675

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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 14:11 Edited at: 16th Feb 2019 16:00
Interesting, you are correct if you've set 'spawn at start' to no GG runs the _main function once then stops calling it until the entity is spawned.

So you could simply treat the first call as an extra initialisation phase and make the 'real' code only run from pass 2 onwards.

For example add a 'state' variable to the script:

local state = {}

Then in the _init function:

state[ e ] = nil

and then in _main:

if state[ e ] == nil then
state[ e ] = 'initialised'

…. real code
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 15:28
i believe g_Entity[e]['activated'] will return the spawned state of the entity -> 0 being not spawned
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Posted: 16th Feb 2019 16:08
Thanks for your suggestions.

Ok, that's the way it works. Funny...

Yes, I used to use this. In combination with the corrosions script to make enemies attacking the player immidiatly, it does not work because "activated" is allready set to 2 from start, even if the entity has not been spawned yet. So I will try AmenMoses' suggestion, even if I will have to modify the standard ai scrips...

Best, Snake675

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