Third Party Tools / A Heads Up for Substance users (that sounds iffy lol)

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Posted: 30th Jan 2019 12:24
Just a quick heads up to those guys who use Allegorithmics Substance series of programs, Substance Painter, Substance Designer etc. Allegorithmic has sold out, and the substance series will be joining Adobes Creative Cloud services.

Looks like i'll be looking for an alternative (i do not and will never use adobe, they're money grabbing scuzbags that make micro$oft look like angels), anyone got any suggestions that aren't going to break the bank?

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Posted: 30th Jan 2019 14:19
Quote: "Looks like i'll be looking for an alternative (i do not and will never use adobe, they're money grabbing scuzbags that make micro$oft look like angels), anyone got any suggestions that aren't going to break the bank?"

Yes it’s all over the Internet,people are not pleased (me included) most people I have talked to are going to change .

Here is another one in development that I am playing with

Due for another update soon

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Posted: 1st Feb 2019 12:31
Thats a pain to hear,
typical just start to get used to it.
good thing is substance painter is stand alone,
so i would collect as many free materials as you can now.
making your own textures in substance or mixing and saving as new materials is
easy enough to do so it wont be wasted, probably switch to 3D coat i use it and
it is great software, easiest uv mapping software to use . plus many other features,
disappointed though.
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Posted: 2nd Feb 2019 02:44 Edited at: 3rd Feb 2019 09:06
Yeah was a bit of a shock for sure.

That said, I use Photoshop CC and absolutely love it. I also have both a perpetual license for Substance Painter, and a Substance - Indie License. So wonder what the future holds there.....

@granada - thanks for the link, looks like another tool for the kit

aka OldFlak
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Posted: 11th Feb 2019 20:30
This sucks, but at least I can still use the existing versions.
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 06:08
YA Im ticked about this...Same thing happened to Sculptris. Adobes money grubbers and so is Zbrush.
"So let it be written; so let it be done." Account got messed up with introduction to steam. I am Jackal
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Posted: 19th Feb 2019 06:13
That's cool, but I hate using nodes. ..
Might as well be using Blender 8 as its totally free and does the same thing and a lot more.
"So let it be written; so let it be done." Account got messed up with introduction to steam. I am Jackal
Joined 2nd Dec 2009.

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