I hva e been converting some old FPSC Classic stuff as I go, I contacted Lafette II and asked if it was ok to share
his old FPSC Classic Subway Pack, he agreed that it would be fine. I have made it as a D.I.Y kit Construction kit,
there are a couple of items missing and the Fan is not working. Please remember that most of the stuff will be
textures one side only this is the original way they were created,But anyways I wanted to share something with
the community for taking Free stuff myself.
Hope you can find a use for it, I have tested all 3 times so all ok.
Here is what is in the pack......see image below
Any issues let me know and I will do my best to sort...pleases do not share outside the community
this is for GameGuru community only..
Have fun, and thanks to Lafette II giving permission to share his stuff with us again.
If you download at least say thank you for the effort to convert to GG and the original artists work.