I have tried different approaches and cannot seem to get this to work.
I am trying to give this IA a weapon to fire .
There is no item in the settings for this and even with the "hasweapon" set to "1" I do not get the option to choose a gun.
I have tried to change the "ai_unarmed.lua" to many different scripts and still nothing.
I have tried different FPE changes as well.
Is there a way to get this to work?
There are far to few enemies that fire weapons in GG.
I am looking to mix it up a bit.
desc = AI 1
aimain = ai_unarmed.lua
soundset = male
soundset1 =
model = AI.x
offsety = -1
textured = AI_1_D.dds
effect = effectbank\reloaded\character_basic.fx
transparency = 0
;identity details
strength = 100
ischaracter = 1
hasweapon = 1
isobjective = 0
cantakeweapon = 0
scale = 100
fixnewy = 0
ragdoll = 1
skipfvfconvert = 1
conerange = 400
animmax = 1
anim0 = 3000,3100
playanimineditor = 1
csi_relaxed1 = 900,999
csi_relaxed2 = 1000,1282
csi_relaxedmovefore = 1290,1419
csi_cautious = 900,999
csi_cautiousmovefore = 1325,1419
csi_unarmed1 = 3000,3100
csi_unarmed2 = 3430,3697
csi_unarmedconversation = 3110,3420
csi_unarmedexplain = 4260,4464
csi_unarmedpointfore = 4470,4535
csi_unarmedpointback = 4680,4745
csi_unarmedpointleft = 4610,4675
csi_unarmedpointright = 4540,4605
csi_unarmedmovefore = 3870,3900
csi_unarmedmoverun = 3905,3925
csi_unarmedstairascend = 5600,5768
csi_unarmedstairdecend = 5800,5965
csi_unarmedladderascend1 = 4148,4110
csi_unarmedladderascend2 = 4148,4255
csi_unarmedladderascend3 = 4225,4255
csi_unarmedladderdecend1 = 4255,4225
csi_unarmedladderdecend2 = 4225,4148
csi_unarmeddeath = 4800,4958
csi_unarmedimpactfore = 4971,5021
csi_unarmedimpactback = 5031,5090
csi_unarmedimpactleft = 5171,5229
csi_unarmedimpactright = 5101,5160
csi_inchair = 3744,3828
csi_inchairsit = 3710,3744
csi_inchairgetup = 3828,3862
csi_swim = 3930,4015
csi_swimmovefore = 4030,4072
csi_stoodnormal = 100,205
csi_stoodrocket = 6133,6206
csi_stoodfidget1 = 100,205
csi_stoodfidget2 = 210,318
csi_stoodfidget3 = 325,431
csi_stoodfidget4 = 440,511
csi_stoodstartled = 1425,1465
csi_stoodpunch = 2340,2382
csi_stoodkick = 5511,5553
csi_stoodmovefore = 685,707
csi_stoodmoveback = 710,735
csi_stoodmoveleft = 740,762
csi_stoodmoveright = 765,789
csi_stoodstepleft = 610,640
csi_stoodstepright = 645,676
csi_stoodstrafeleft = 855,871
csi_stoodstraferight = 875,892
csi_stoodturnleft = 765,771
csi_stoodsubtleturnleft = 765,766
csi_stoodvault = 2281,2332
csi_stoodmoverun = 795,811
csi_stoodmoverunleft = 815,830
csi_stoodmoverunright = 835,850
csi_stoodreload = 515,605
csi_stoodreloadrocket = 6233,6315
csi_stoodwave = 1470,1520
csi_stoodtoss = 2390,2444
csi_stoodfirerocket = 6207,6232
csi_stoodincoverleft = 1580,1580
csi_stoodincoverpeekleft = 1581,1581
csi_stoodincoverthrowleft = 2680,2680
csi_stoodincoverright = 1525,1525
csi_stoodincoverpeekright = 1526,1526
csi_stoodincoverthrowright = 2570,2570
csi_crouchidlenormal1 = 1670,1819
csi_crouchidlenormal2 = 1825,1914
csi_crouchidlerocket = 6472,6545
csi_crouchdown = 1630,1646
csi_crouchdownrocket = 6316,6356
csi_crouchrolldown = 2160,2216
csi_crouchrollup = 2225,2281
csi_crouchmovefore = 2075,2102
csi_crouchmoveback = 2102,2131
csi_crouchmoveleft = 2015,2043
csi_crouchmoveright = 2043,2072
csi_crouchmoverun = 2135,2153
csi_crouchreload = 1920,2010
csi_crouchreloadrocket = 6380,6471
csi_crouchwave = 2460,2510
csi_crouchtoss = 2520,2555
csi_crouchfirerocket = 6357,6379
csi_crouchimpactfore = 5240,5277
csi_crouchimpactback = 5290,5339
csi_crouchimpactleft = 5409,5466
csi_crouchimpactright = 5350,5395
csi_crouchgetup = 1646,1663
csi_crouchgetuprocket = 6573,6607
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