Scripts / DVadar's Health Bar Script No Longer Functional?

Kraven W
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Posted: 14th Jan 2019 19:31
Hey guys,

Not sure if I'm setting something up wrong, or if something was changed in Game Guru since this script was created that's preventing it from working, but I can't seem to get this script to work.

Here is the script;

I created my own health.png image and placed it in the proper directory ("scriptbank\\images\\healthbar\\health.png"), I've applied the script to a dynamic entity in-game, but the HUD will not show in-game (the default Game Guru HUDS are hidden, though). 400x36 is the size of the image I'm using (if that's relevant).

Any ideas?

3D Media Maker
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Posted: 22nd Jan 2019 08:20
Nothing has changed that would effect it as far as i am aware.

You are pressing the tilde key (to the left of your 1 key in the top row) to display the bar right?

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