I'm finally toying around with creating LOD models but I have a problem. This bench has three levels of detail; LOD1 = 1628 polys, LOD2 = 858, LOD3 = 343. In Fragmotion, the model displays all three groups correctly and all of them with the correct names (lu_bench_s_LOD1 etc.). The .fpe has the following lines for testing purposes (obviously they'd be much higher in the finished model).
;LOD System
disablebatch = 1
lod1distance = 100
lod2distance = 200
lod3distance = 300
Yet for some reason, Game Guru refuses to display LOD1 first, instead preferring to display LOD3 at the closer distances. The LODs currently display 3,1,2 at the moment, and I can't figure out why. Is it Game Guru, or my model? I've attached the .dbo model if anyone wants to take a look.
Here's a video of the issue in action.
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