I have noticed many people do share tutorials and create Guides on the forum and Steam.
The problem is that, most of these topics get pushed down by new topics and get lost with time or get out of date as after certain amount of time the topic can be no longer edited on the forum but also on Steam for example the Lua reference guide is already out of date but no one can update the page only the original author or an admin.
In my opinion it would be extremely useful if GameGuru would have a Wiki page that anyone can edit and use to share guides and tutorials and links to 3rd party sources instead of the forum and Steam.
The benefits:
-anyone can add new tutorials and guides
-tutorials and guides shared by the community be easy to find
-all the tutorials and guides be collected in one place
-anyone can collaborate and help keep the information up to date
-anyone can collaborate to help improve the pages, as some of us not native English speakers, mistakes do happen so people can help to fix them
-in case trolls find their ways to the wiki and make a mess, by definition a wiki page can be rolled back to any previous state by an admin following a report
-we should have categories so we can add new pages nicely organized in to categories, what categories? feel free to share ideas. We definitely need a category with sub categories for a Lua reference guide for example similar to Steam and also one for Tutorials and Guides at least to share anything in general. Feel free to add ideas.
-anyone must be able to register and edit any page and add new pages and links to other pages so under categories we can organize content however we want, may even add categories our self's so we need to bother admins less and we can truly organize content however we want.
-anyone must be able to upload images to the wiki
-anyone must be able to see edit history and see what has changed and by who and when
-we must be able to report a page to an admin in case a troll been around and messed up the wiki