Can someone give these a good testing please.
I suggest you create a folder in scriptbank called 'Pick up Stuff' and put the pickuppable.lua in it then copy the pickuplib.lua to scriptbank itself. (that way the pickuppables.fpm you already have should work)
I've split out some of the useful stuff into a library so they can potentially be used in other scripts.
I've also fixed a few 'bugs' and changed it so that if an entity is thrown and it's name has the word "Explosive" in it then it will explode on contact with another entity, also if you throw something at an entity with the word "Explosive" in the name (and the contact is hard enough) then it will also explode.
So you can make simple handgrenades out of anything now, just set them as explodable and add "Explosive" to their name then throw them at your enemies.
In a similar vein AI characters should be killable simply by throwing things at them. The amount of damage done depends on the impact force, so you may need to hit them quite a few times depending on what you are throwing.
Setting the weight of an object will control how far you can throw it btw. (or at least it should, if you find any weird entities that misbehave in this regard please let me know)
If noone has any issues with these I will push them Lee's way for inclusion in the main build.
(btw, barrels are really fun to throw around now that they have the proper physics shape.

Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!