Teabone- I watched the video, and a possible (obviously not perfect) solution might be-- because it sortof seems to be the walking physics of the game in the video-- would be to allow the player to walk forward a certain amount of distance (vigorously controlled), let's say every wall or hall block is ?? 300 units, okay then allow the player to move any cardinal direction by 300 units, and if the level is created properly (of course this limits the complexity of the level), but if done right, they would be forced to stay centered in the halls. Now, they wouldn't have to leap immediately 300 units in a single script loop, but you could check the variable and limit it each "move" to the 300 or whatever number fits. Get what I mean? The player presses "W" and in the course of 2-3 seconds or so, they walk forward __#__ units. Seems like if using the EBE blocks for the mazes, it would be all that much more viable?
Again, it sortof looks like the method they used in that game-- but probably not. Just a thought, though of course this is pretty crude obviously, but shouldn't be too difficult to script?