Update: "Asgood the impish invasion" V1.1
6 maps completed and playable
map 1 "Asgood Center" the Uni and police hq
map 2 "Asgood East" docklands
map 3 "Asgood North" poshlands
map 4 "Asgood South" the parklands
map 5 "Asgood West" Industrial area
Map 6 "Loko's Domain"
Tactical Imp: armed with rockets slower but high damage
Summoner Imp: usually summoning up things you may not want to meet.
Stealth Imp: has stealth best taken out at long range before he deploys it
Site Imp: these guys have taken over the industrial area.
Navy Imp: again these have taken over the docklands
Mugger Imp: nasty blighter usually found beating up civvies.
General Imps: these usually are found rummaging through bins.
Boss Imp: he guards treasure chests, summoners and gives orders to the other imps
new titles screen
Notes: all levels are now working and playable at around 30-40 fps on my i5 1gb radeon 8gb ram so all's good there so far. Other than the imps above there are also imps around the maps doing their usual random stuff, dancing, singing and getting up to mischief.
There is also the starter/base level where you can go buy weapons, ammo, get health buffs, speed boosts and more all of these cost coins looted from the imps or found in chests, coins are also used to pay the ferryman on loko's level to cross the river.
I'm still working on he university and police HQ instances so I'm pretty much on track for letting you guys have at them by xmas and maybe even have the xmas edition done also so 2 games ready to play

stay tuned
Imp doin it large!!!!
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on