Work In Progress / "Asgood" the impish invasion

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Posted: 4th Nov 2018 14:26 Edited at: 4th Nov 2018 17:04
Title : "Asgood the impish invasion"

by NLG aka Honkeyboy

Story : Welcome to the city of "Asgood" a once peaceful and happy city, until that is the evil god of mischief "loko" became enraged at just how nice everything was and conjured up his minions to spoil everyone's day!

The game: 5 main maps and the temple base (starter area) plus instances

N.B This is basically a complete rebuild of Vcity as some of you may remember, no vampires this time the game is loosely based around the Norsk gods with maybe a few extra baddies. One thing is for certain though "The Imps are Back!"

pics are of the neally completed Asgood (Center) map

Imp summoner summoning more imps

Imps smashing up cars

Asgood Police Headquarters

Asgood University

Asgood Center map

Imp idle animation test scripting fbx animations

Imp mugger test 1 switching from fbx to gg characters
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Posted: 5th Nov 2018 16:27
Hey Honkeyboy Glad to see your still keeping busy,another creation coming our way

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Posted: 6th Nov 2018 00:43
I think your map would benefit from a bit of plattforming. Some things the player can climb and explore, perhaps for loot or weapons.
Nice to see you are having fun there.

Asgood is an odd name. Maybe retitle it something like "ashgood" or "asgoth". To me "asgood" reads like the english phrase "as good". heh! I suppose it does not matter
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Posted: 6th Nov 2018 14:17 Edited at: 6th Nov 2018 19:04
Thanks guys as I lost all my models its taking a while again to get this going as I'm having to remake rig etc etc as you know that's the time consuming bit. Most the imp scripts I've done and can now use over all 5 maps so that's a job out the way the new AI is proper funny when applied to the imps.I have north and south complete ish now.
@ Wolf yeah m8 nice idea will incorporate that when I have all the maps built as they could do with that kind of extra bit. As to the name lol Asgard = Asgood lol loki = loco etc just making them sound a little more comic.

I'm still playing around with it all as I build the maps and get all the scripting side working some of which (small's infinite respawn script atm is crashing GG to the desktop) so I need to check into that one or see what he thinks as I was going to get the summoners to spawn infinite man eating bunnies so plenty to do yet

Quick standalone test of level 1 Asgood Center

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Posted: 8th Nov 2018 03:41
Nice stuff honkeyboy. You could do with a health meter on those hard to kill enemies

Respawning AI re-spawning is a lot harder than you would think, so not surprised you have issues, especially as it's changing all the time. I got a single enemy re-spawning nicely years ago (still works), but would need a bit of work to run with multiple AI and would only work with the fantasy characters. It would probably work with normal soldiers as well, with the appropriate changes to their AI code, but I never got to that stage. I avoid messing with that sort of thing since as mentioned the AI is continually evolving and so breaks old code easily. There's one thing I really hate doing - re-writing code that used to work! Especially AI stuff, lol.
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Posted: 10th Nov 2018 00:34 Edited at: 10th Nov 2018 00:35
Yeah m8 totally agree with you there I've just completed the first 5 maps so hopefully i'll have it all working before any major change (all good so far) just saw your remake the xmas one looks really sweet tbh was going to go the full cartoony myself but then the dark side got me lol,.All in all in 3 weeks i have 5 working/playable maps 1 left lokos domain although some things i want in place i dont quite have yet script wise. so will be shouting out to you guys for some help maybe at that point
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Posted: 10th Nov 2018 01:11
Give me a shout when you are after help

I've just been working my Xmas game, updating it to text rather than a prompt on some parts and what a nightmare! You would think it would be simple, but simulating the promptdelay command with text is causing me a headache in places, as it is royally screwing up the functionality. I've been at the last bit for 2 hours now and have had to give it a rest as I'm starting to get stressed (shouting "Just ******* work!" at the screen is a sure sign I've had enough).

I've effectively broke the game just trying to make the text look prettier Hopefully I will see it better tomorrow, or rather later today, lol. At the minute I just can't see why this stage of the code refuses to do anything, besides completely crash the game or sit there like a lemon. The joys of coding As stated above I hate re-writing code that was working fine.
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Posted: 11th Nov 2018 12:17 Edited at: 11th Nov 2018 13:13
That's what I've been having problems with m8 so I'm just trying to use a sprite now when the reaper appears saying fear the reaper but me an timers *cough* going to revisit it again today I only need it to display for like 5 secs. I soo have to get my head around this bit!! lol
this is the spawn script

this is basically added to one of the Imp summoners who when the player get to a distance of 400 it needs to display the sprite "Fear the Reaper" and then the reaper spawns
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Posted: 20th Nov 2018 16:16 Edited at: 20th Nov 2018 17:38
Update: "Asgood the impish invasion" V1.1

6 maps completed and playable

map 1 "Asgood Center" the Uni and police hq

map 2 "Asgood East" docklands

map 3 "Asgood North" poshlands

map 4 "Asgood South" the parklands

map 5 "Asgood West" Industrial area

Map 6 "Loko's Domain"


Tactical Imp: armed with rockets slower but high damage

Summoner Imp: usually summoning up things you may not want to meet.

Stealth Imp: has stealth best taken out at long range before he deploys it

Site Imp: these guys have taken over the industrial area.

Navy Imp: again these have taken over the docklands

Mugger Imp: nasty blighter usually found beating up civvies.

General Imps: these usually are found rummaging through bins.

Boss Imp: he guards treasure chests, summoners and gives orders to the other imps

new titles screen

Notes: all levels are now working and playable at around 30-40 fps on my i5 1gb radeon 8gb ram so all's good there so far. Other than the imps above there are also imps around the maps doing their usual random stuff, dancing, singing and getting up to mischief.

There is also the starter/base level where you can go buy weapons, ammo, get health buffs, speed boosts and more all of these cost coins looted from the imps or found in chests, coins are also used to pay the ferryman on loko's level to cross the river.

I'm still working on he university and police HQ instances so I'm pretty much on track for letting you guys have at them by xmas and maybe even have the xmas edition done also so 2 games ready to play stay tuned

Imp doin it large!!!!

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Posted: 20th Nov 2018 18:13 Edited at: 20th Nov 2018 18:48
Had a look at that script and this should work for you, or at least be close Only typed the code not actually tested it.

You will need to change the timer variables to an array to get it working with more than one enemy as they will trigger every enemy at once otherwise.
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Posted: 21st Nov 2018 17:43 Edited at: 22nd Nov 2018 14:56
Thanks m8 will have a play with that have a sound assigned to it atm shouting "fear the Reaper"

Oh lol:
Impish Tours present "Imps in a balloon" rofl trying to get these to drop bombs on the player

they also have " The Implebug "

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Posted: 14th Dec 2018 01:09 Edited at: 14th Dec 2018 19:55
It's ready (I think) bit more testing tomorrow(definitely) then I'm gonna let you lot have at it heh

and here it is
Although this is a full working copy there is still a lot for me to do on it for next year, I'm still working on the normal version but wanted to get this out so you guys can have a bash and see what you think so far. I'll hopefully be adding a high score board, music to the loading screen and better some of the models and scripts, but all in all it feels pretty good fun to play. Impish mayhem = not for aaa gamers lol
Don't know what rating this would have (not for the sane minded probably)
Let me know what you think if you try it and any ideas for the normal and next years xmas version have fun
p.s the police station and the university arnt fully finished yet as im toying with different ideas for them (Asgood Center)
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Posted: 17th Dec 2018 14:39
Thank you Honkeyboy, will try it tonight, looks great.

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Posted: 18th Dec 2018 01:23 Edited at: 18th Dec 2018 01:25
Hey m8 thanks for testing it forgot to say to choose maps you need to go to the train carriage door (need to put an arrow there) lol easy for me to find but just realised it might not be that obvious and the end game map (santa's grotto for the xmas version) is located on every map via Bods helicopter plus you can grab a nice triple player speed boost from the vendors at the base.
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Posted: 18th Dec 2018 21:46
No problem for me I found.
very good game.

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Posted: 11th Feb 2021 18:34
They're back with the latest instalment " Asgood Cronodome's Rabbit Rebellion"
The Demon Cronodome has released a pathogen at bobs rabbit pie farm and demonised the little furry critters which now are joined with the imps and are creating mayhem across Asgood. Burning/wrecking cars, mugging old ladies' and well generally getting up to no good. 6 levels of bizare mayhem, collect coins blow everything to bits and survive

well the basics are all in and all levels work, I'm now working on a few extra scripts, models and some extra fun bits, stay tuned

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Posted: 12th Feb 2021 23:58
4 new toons 2 fbx 2 gg kinda one swaps to the other for the imps causing fires

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Posted: 13th Feb 2021 18:35
redone the intro area and been testing bubble text, pretty basic atm but will work on it
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Posted: 24th Feb 2021 12:32 Edited at: 25th Feb 2021 21:37
Added new Killie counter, new hud, and game loading etc screens, I've had to do a workaround as adding more than one winzone causes a crash, but other than that it seems to be working fine, will maybe try to add the mugger imps tonight also badges now appear when so many kills have been completed.

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Posted: 25th Feb 2021 21:38
Oh no who gave them spray cans?

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Posted: 26th Feb 2021 16:01 Edited at: 26th Feb 2021 16:15
Hi all, well here it is ready for any of you who wish to bomb test for me "Asgood Coronadome's rabbit rebellion"

The objective fight your way through to the final level and kill Coronadome , as always its non linier so you can go back and fourth adding up kills for the counter

You don't get heals your health regens so you may need to rest

Please if you have a go check the buildings in the centre some you can enter, spellings (it gets late sometimes lol) things that you may found that I have missed.

i will be adding a shop to buy goodies with coins in the next build.

Cheers have fun

please also let me know the link works

follow the link to dropbox then use the menu on the left to download (has already been virus checked etc)
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Posted: 1st Mar 2021 20:23 Edited at: 1st Mar 2021 20:30
Quick gameplay test to test fps more grass has been added and smallg's hit counter (nice script that one mate thanks )
Loading times are good fps in game is good so all good so far

and now has the correct title screen
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2021 00:22
love how weird this is it loaded quickly and ran smoothly.
was a bit confused at start trying to leave through the big door in the weapons rooms until i remembered seeing the vid where you enter the city through the train-door.
once outside i felt kinda bad shooting those red imps- they seemed to have fun in the city dancing and all. but soon they started shooting at me and i gave them hell. eventually they got me with a rocket launcher ...
and those giggle sounds in the music... omg
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2021 15:49 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2021 15:50
Thanks beanz for having a go got quite a few new things in the next build = more stupidity yeah i should make the exit a bit more obvious that's deffo in the to do list. Still have some Imps in planes/balloons to go in as long as the fps stays good, next build also has a lot more grass as it looked a little bare. Thanks for the feedback will post when the next build goes up. BTW your health regens so worth taking a breather
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Posted: 2nd Mar 2021 21:07 Edited at: 2nd Mar 2021 21:09
new signs to help the player sign 1 explains regen signs 2 show the exit from the starter base. Cheers guys for pointing this out also changed regen rates now alot faster but a 5 sec wait.

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 19:12
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 20:29
haha that flying imp is awesome
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Posted: 3rd Mar 2021 21:06 Edited at: 3rd Mar 2021 21:08
Yeah is kinda funny lol he has the superman logo on his chest bit hard to see there.... hmm most people dream of normal things i dream of what stupid thing i can get the imps doing next rofl
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Posted: 4th Mar 2021 14:45 Edited at: 4th Mar 2021 14:47

New build ready for download, now includes, a shop at home base selling guns and explosives, new super imps flying through the skys, now imps doing emotes don't just go boom they go better boom

makes me laugh every time
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