Hi all
So I opened issue 319 -
Explosions - Enhancement Suggestion - on git hub which Lee has marked as an enhancement for Game Guru.
In part:
'The best way to make any game unique is to add custom media - for everything
Now, we have the setting to make an entity explode-able, but it always plays the same decal animation and the same sound.
It would be nice to be able to have an option to assign a sprite-sheet of your choice. That way we can add our own custom effects for when an object is destroyed in-game.'
To me having just one explosion and one audio for this is pretty bland and boring - pathetic in short - sorry Lee , and I know this was probably intended to be developed further but we all know that can take a looong time.........
My LUA skills are basic to say the least, but thought I might give it a crack, so before I go down that path I just wanted to ask:
1) is this doable in LUA
2) is it relatively easy
2) or is it complicated perhaps requiring quaternions or whatever Amen Moses calls them
4) or can Lee just add this to the engine tomorrow - you know it should be there
aka OldFlak
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