Product Chat / Multiple Models/Materials in One File?

Argent Arts
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 01:08
Hello. Is it possible to have multiple models and materials in one .x file to bring into GameGuru?

What I want to do is create level "segments" that consist of, for example, a floor, a wall, and a ceiling as one model (or multiple models in one file), but each part have its own texture/material. This way I can create hallway segments, hallway and room corners, t-intersections, etc., bring them into GameGuru and use them to rather quickly assembly my level(s).

Thanks in advance for any help/advice with this.
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 01:23 Edited at: 26th Aug 2018 01:26
You can do this. Would work just like the sci-fi pack.

Each section can have its own texture set.

Hit the search button.
Type modular.

A bunch of examples and chats will come up.
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Argent Arts
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 01:30
Thanks! I'll do that. I wasn't finding anything on my search, but I didn't think to use "modular".
Argent Arts
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 01:37
OK. I see that people are doing this. Awesome (and thanks again). So, is there anything special I need to do? Do I just have the .x file (with all the models in it) and all the textures in one folder and then use one .fpe file to bring it all together for GameGuru? Or ... ?
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 15:10
Each section would be its own model. I would try and make them snap together. Most use a 100 unit grid which is 2.54 meter, or 100 inches.

The ends of the modular pieces should be of the same design to snap easy in Game Guru. Center your models in your model program so that they are 0,0,0 and reset all transforms after rotating and scaling.

Lots of testing. Multi materials, do not light map yet in PBR, so be aware of that.
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 17:22 Edited at: 26th Aug 2018 17:23
The Gameguru grid (as Myke says( is exactly 100x100 blender units, so it's easy to make grid snapping models in Blender.

Quote: "Center your models in your model program so that they are 0,0,0 and reset all transforms after rotating and scaling."

Another tip about origin points, don't center the model (from above view) on the origin, the origin points need to be in the center of a 100x100 square, so for example on a 200x200 model the origin would need to be 50 units from the X edge, and 50 units from the Y edge (Y in blender, Z in other programs) for the models to line up o the grid, see below picture for examples

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Argent Arts
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 20:43
Thanks! My tests had revealed what you've all said about size and Blender. So, I've got that down, for the most part (well, we shall see ).

@Belidos - Why does the center need to be at the center of 100 x 100 (from the top)? Just curious.

@Pirate Myke - So, let's say I create a model in Blender that consists of a floor, a wall, and a ceiling, but each have their own material. I would export this out as a single .x file. How would I reference the materials in the .fpe file? I haven't dug around yet, but I suppose there's probably an example among the many assets that ship with GameGuru, so my next stop will be to look there.

@Everyone - I appreciate the help. It's helping to make the transition smoother. Thanks!
Pirate Myke
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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 20:49
You would not reference the material in the fpe file at all.
Leave that field blank.
The engine will then read the mesh file and pull the textures from there.

Have the mesh and the texture in the same folder.

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Posted: 26th Aug 2018 21:14 Edited at: 26th Aug 2018 21:14
Quote: "@Belidos - Why does the center need to be at the center of 100 x 100 (from the top)? Just curious. "

Because the insertion point on the grid snapping mode is the center of a 100x100 square on the grid, the origin point on the model clicks to the insertion point on the map, so if your origin point is in the middle of a 200x200 model then when you place it the model would be 50x50 units out of alignment with other 100x100 models.

We see in the image below that we have a 200x200 square withthe origin in the center, then we have a 200x200 square divided into 4 100x100 squares each with an origin inthe middle of the 100x100 square, note how despite the origin point being the same in the 200x200 square as it is in the bottom left 100x100 square, the actual 200x200 square doesn't line up with any of the 100x100 squares. That's why you need to maintain an exact origin point in relation to the 100x100 grid on every model.

Does that make sense to you?

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Argent Arts
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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 00:07
@Belidos - It does. Thank you. I truly appreciate the time you've taken to help with this. GameGuru is a strange bird, isn't it? But an interesting one, to say the least.

@Pirate Myke - Thanks! I now have a direction to move forward in. I appreciate it.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 01:25 Edited at: 27th Aug 2018 01:27
In FPS Creator we had two files called FPE and FPS. FPS files allowed us to define multiple textures and meshes as attachments for the segment system. In GG i dont think this system works anymore. But it was indeed useful back in the day with FPSC. I'm guessing we wont see anything like that in GG since we now have the EBE system.

Example of old FPS system in FPSC:

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Argent Arts
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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 05:55
I just want to thank everyone! I was (finally) able to get multiple models (one .x file) with multiple textures successfully into GameGuru! So, now a good chunk of my graphic's pipeline is in place.
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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 09:01
@Argent Arts, Congrats on your success and yes the community here is one of the best. Welcome to the forums
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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 12:57
@Argent Arts,glad you have a pipeline in place. Look forward to your models ,and welcome

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Posted: 27th Aug 2018 14:04
Quote: "@Belidos - It does. Thank you. I truly appreciate the time you've taken to help with this. GameGuru is a strange bird, isn't it? But an interesting one, to say the least."

Glad I could pass on some tips, this was something I struggled with for a while, it was frustrating me why my models with the same scale and origin weren't fitting together, then one day I wasn't thinking about it and it came to me
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