Hello. I am new to GameGuru. I purchased, downloaded from Steam, and ran a few of the demo levels included. When I hit TAB to access the metrics, I see that in most cases I am getting a consistent 30 fps on all demos. On an empty level (only a flat, unaltered ground plane) I can get up to 40 fps. On a few demos, the frame rate dipped to 29, but it mostly stayed at a flat 30 (with occasional dips into 31 fps).
This concerns me because, frankly, I have a decent, if not exactly new PC. Here are my specs (if this helps):
CPU - Intel i7-5820K
RAM - 128 GB
Video - GeForce GTX 1070 with 8GB (latest drivers installed)
OS - Windows 10 (latest updates installed)
Frankly, on most games I can play on Ultra mode and get 60 - 100 fps and more. The latest DOOM? Ultra mode. So, why is GameGuru, with a virtually empty level (only a ground plane) giving me 30 fps? Do the frames per second increase drastically once you finally publish the game to an exe (i.e. is the low fps a result of running the game in a "test mode" via the editor)?
I'm not trying to slam GameGuru at all. I am honestly wanting to see if the low FPS is a result of running the game from the editor or if this is what I can expect from a game made with GameGuru.
I'd appreciate any help on the matter. Thanks.