you can use the ragdoll system to throw characters around using SetEntityRagdollForce(e,limb,x,y,z,v)
x,y,z are the direction of the force and v is the force of the impact
the limb name depends on how the model is set up but you can find the names via g_Entity[e]['limbhit'] and shooting at specific parts of your character
the bad side is that to do this you need to kill the character to make the command have any effect and i don't think it's possible to revive the character afterwards.
local dead = {}
function the_force_init(e)
dead[e] = 0
function the_force_main(e)
if dead[e] == 0 then
if GetPlayerDistance(e) < 65 then
dead[e] = 1
PromptDuration("I'm the juggernaught b*tch!",2000)
the better method would be using the physics engine but i have no idea if it's possible to move characters via physics without causing weird effects, amen would be the man to ask