Product Chat / How big is our community?

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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 17:22
After years of development I find it interesting to know how big our community is? How many members are there in the community?
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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 20:09
Quote: "How many members are there in the community?"

Including you there is a good 5 of us … Of course we make all the users up and threads ..
I mean cmon who would have daft names like … Wolf.... Errant AI … and heres a good one …. The Next..
Yep .. We just make em all up

The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 22:08 Edited at: 29th Jun 2018 07:53
I'm a bot. .. beep beep boop.
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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 22:18
I think we can figure out how many registered users there are, or how many copies GG has sold but there is no way to determine active users.

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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 22:47
People come and go,most come back later

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Posted: 28th Jun 2018 23:43 Edited at: 28th Jun 2018 23:44
We have over 100 members on the discord (mostly all from here). Usually about 12 active members at any given time. Though it depends on your time zone really.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 00:32
Yeah, it'S a little bit lonely here in Australia.
"I am a road map, I will lead and you will follow, I will teach and you will learn, when you leave my sprint planning you will be weapons, focused and full of JIRA tickets, Hot Rod rocket development gods of precision and strength, terrorizing across the repository and hunting for github submits."
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 00:46
Yeah I'm wolf and synchromesh
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Pirate Myke
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 01:47
I am all the rest.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 01:52
Quote: "I am all the rest."

The only person ever to get all his work done by "Friday" was Robinson Crusoe..
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 02:15
Jesus christ, I just realized I "know" some of you longer than my last 3 relationship partners ^^
"I am a road map, I will lead and you will follow, I will teach and you will learn, when you leave my sprint planning you will be weapons, focused and full of JIRA tickets, Hot Rod rocket development gods of precision and strength, terrorizing across the repository and hunting for github submits."
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 02:32
I'm really a Pirate, cool!
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 03:48
I have to admit, I'm 396 lbs big or 179 kg for those into metrics. I like to see myself as 179 as it makes me feel much lighter.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 07:25
And guys, do not forget me, even if I'm Belgian

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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 07:55
Quote: "Yeah, it'S a little bit lonely here in Australia."

Awww, if you're anywhere near Perth i'll send my cousin round with a care package (6 pack of beer).
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wizard of id
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 08:44
Quote: "And guys, do not forget me, even if I'm Belgian "
Well there is Belgian waffles and beer, about the only good export from that country . So not forgotten just relegated, to restaurant menu's, and top 10 beer lists, now if you were to offer me some Trappist beer, some arrangement can be reached to refresh my foggy memory again
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 09:00
Quote: "Well there is Belgian waffles and beer, about the only good export from that country . So not forgotten just relegated, to restaurant menu's, and top 10 beer lists, now if you were to offer me some Trappist beer, some arrangement can be reached to refresh my foggy memory again "

Best thing to come out of Belgium is French Fries... yes, i went there
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wizard of id
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 09:14
Sorry if I have to choose fries or Trappist.....would take Trappist over fries ANY day of the week...I can make fries my self, the beer on the other hand I can't.....
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 11:04
All your base are belong to us

I've not been here for awhile, I hope you're all well?
science boy
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 11:10
hey there emrys aka .......... hows it going?

i am hoping you are willing to start your skyrim or fallout 4 similar projects you were flying friend and then you went into the periphery of the void of no return! but here you are
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 11:24
Quote: "Yeah, it'S a little bit lonely here in Australia."

Well, I was pretty sure that is where I am too!, or at least was, but then I played with this gg thingy and got sucked into sci-fi and got lost in space, and now I have no idea where I am, or in fact who I am, and, oh, um, errr, join ussss!!

Reliquia.... now that rings a bell
aka OldFlak
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 11:54

I'm good thanks, I've done nothing GG for about year now I got a promotion at work and it's just left me with no time whatsoever for game making.

Saying that, I did load some of my GG projects last week but I would say about 80% of my models won't load now, I thought I would take a look as I made a lot my model with PBR textures just in case it was added at some point.

How you doing? Still working on your project?
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 12:31

yeah i have pretty much been like you i been finishing off my 2 year management course, got a pay rise and mainly not much time for game making, but then had a fun time with actual life and bought a house had to do that up and the basic juggles of life as been in the way of my game project, however i have recently re opened my project and as things are now getting into a better place work wise and house wise, and the fact i can actually create better now with my twinworlds as the swimming is about there and many other brilliant things are added, although need a good tutorial on how to make day and night and skydomes etc be good ANYONE?

and some guy has been working on drag and drop inventory system so i am hoping that will be implemented at some point.

and we will have new weapon poison clouds freezing and stuff like that implemented soon it was foretold, which is a god send for a magic system
so i think in a few months there will be some exciting advances and kudos to the guys who are blasting through the gg engine
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 14:44 Edited at: 29th Jun 2018 14:45
Well ,
Canada here....but this week warmer than Bahamas...37c

Hey RELIQUIA.......isn't saying " South Australia "
kind of redundant ? Jk

Let\'s actually make something happen with this one !
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 15:00
Quote: "Hey RELIQUIA.......isn't saying " South Australia "
kind of redundant ? Jk"

Less Roo's more sharks
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 17:26
I’ve been wondering who made me for quite a while.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 18:53 Edited at: 29th Jun 2018 19:00
Nice winter here in South Africa. dont for get us this side. lol

Ps. Was hoping by now there would be a time stamp under each users location. would be nice to know if a user would be available or not , depending on his local time stamp. ( just a thought. )

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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 20:24
dont forget us Brummy's
basking in the sun in the midlands.
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Posted: 29th Jun 2018 22:58 Edited at: 29th Jun 2018 22:59
I swear the old TGC newsletter used to say how many users it went out to, seem to remember it being somewhere around 10,000 but maybe I'm conflating it with another newsletter. Obviously that was AGK, DBPro, and FPSC etc., this community only serves one TGC product, and it does seem a bit smaller.

Forum activity seems to fluctuate a lot parallel to whenever the big updates come along, or an interesting new script or tool is released. I think there's a lot of users here who started making games with the best of intentions but their enthusiasm ran out eventually because they were either creatively drained or, (sadly, more likely) they hit a limitation or bug in Game Guru itself. I think at the moment, Game Guru is still very much in a state of flux and that has made users hesitant to start new projects or resurrect their old ones. At least, that's been my own personal thought process. Instead, a lot of us just lurk here, reading and waiting...

As for me personally, home counties REPRESENT!

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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 15:33
It's different for different folks - the DX11 has lifted by WIP to another level - both graphics and performance.

However, I don't use light-mapping at all.

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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 20:54
It's not dx11 that's the problem really, dx11 itself works perfectly fine, the problem is that pbr hasn't been hooked into the light mapper, so it doesnt work properly with pbr, whats needed at least as a temporary measure is for the light mapping to ignore pbr and render pbr entities unmapped, at least until a proper solution can be found.
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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 20:57 Edited at: 30th Jun 2018 21:06
PBR is not really supposed to be lightmapped it is supposed to react to its environment I think what we are supposed to have is deferred rendering,...

The defining characteristic of deferred rendering is that it essentially changes the complexity of scene rendering from O(geometry * lights) to O(geometry + lights).

This is achieved by first rendering the scene using shaders designed to output basic attributes such as (at a minimum) position*, normal, and diffuse color. Other attributes might include per-pixel specular values and other material properties. These are stored in full screen render targets, collectively known as the G-buffer.

(*: It's worth noting that developers will more commonly opt to store depth, and use that to reconstruct position, since having depth available is useful for so many other effects.)

Once the G-buffer has been generated, it's possible to compute a fully lit result for any pixel on the screen by solving the BRDF exactly once per pixel per light. In other words, if you have 20 meshes that each are affected by 20 lights, traditional ("forward") rendering would demand that you re-render each mesh several times in order to accumulate the result of each light affecting it.
In the worst case, this would be one draw call per mesh per light, or 400 total draw calls! For each of these draw calls, you're redundantly retransforming the vertices of the mesh.

There's also a good chance that you'll be shading pixels that aren't actually affected by the light, or won't be visible in the final result (because they'll be occluded by other geometry in the scene). Each of these results in wasted GPU resources.

Compare to deferred rendering: You only have to render the meshes once to populate the G-buffer. After that, for each light, you render a bounding shape that represents the extents of the light's influence. For a point light, this could be a small sphere, or for a directional light, it would be a full screen quad, since the entire scene is affected.

Then, when you're executing the pixel/fragment shader for that light's bounding volume, you read the geometry attributes from the appropriate position in the G-buffer textures, and use those values to determine the lighting result. Only the scene pixels that are visible in the final result are shaded, and they are shaded exactly once per light. This represents potentially huge savings.

However, it's not without drawbacks. It's a paradigm which is very difficult to extend to handle transparent geometry (google: depth peeling). So difficult, in fact, that virtually all deferred rendering implementations fall back to forward rendering for the transparent portions of the scene. Deferred rendering also consumes a large amount of VRAM and frame buffer bandwidth, which leads to developers going to great lengths to cleverly pack and compress G-buffer attributes into the smallest/fewest components possible.
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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 21:20
eeek sorry we are Borg
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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 21:58
You will be assimilated, your unique culateral template will be added to the collective, resistance is futile
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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 22:09
not that Borg lol


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Posted: 30th Jun 2018 23:52 Edited at: 30th Jun 2018 23:53
As for DX11, that was a great move, but although I like PBR I think as one of the ancients said in another thread recently 'it was the wrong path' for GG. Interior levels are much harder now especially if you want shiny stuff.

@GraPhiX yea great acronym!

But I still hear many voices that sound as one.....

Quote: "Hey RELIQUIA.......isn't saying " South Australia "
kind of redundant ? Jk"

lol - Yep somewhere near the Bass Staite is where I last remember being on planet earth...

Quote: "I think we have veered off the topic of the thread somewhat, sorry about that Dany but we are all bots created by The Game Creators and are prone to go off at tangents."
I was sure we are always on topic, perhaps all this is just the result of the hive.....

aka OldFlak
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 16:51
Quote: "Interior levels are much harder now especially if you want shiny stuff"

Pretty sure you can still use regular DNS stuff still So maybe that would be better for doing indoor stuff for you? I personally think PBR is a good way to get the engine more up to date, but also so far have not really seen anything that has made me think wow as yet. Time will tell as more people put PBR stuff out there.

On to the original post question. I think there's a fair few of us about. We may not be the biggest community but we probably are one of the most helpful and friendly and that is way more important
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 16:59
Quote: "so far have not really seen anything that has made me think wow as yet. "

we try our best the workflow was up in the air for a while, we have had too stumble through to find the best way of getting it to look right, I don't think 2 artists use the same workflow so quality will depend on how it has been done

As time goes by we will make better assets I am sure of that
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 17:41
I think it is more the engine's fault at the moment. The lighting needs some work to show any real improvements really. So far any PBR model I have tested looks good from very specific angles and flat from others. Making me go wow is a tough nut to crack I liked your stuff btw Graphix, I'm guessing you like Fallout I'll definitely be using some of your models at some point, I've not really worked on anything for over a year now. I mainly just have no ideas what I want to do at the second.

I agree also that more info is needed for PBR workflow. Perhaps a thread with all relevant info in it rather than having to search the forums for it piecemeal. If there already is a thread my apologies for missing it.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 17:50
yes I love Fallout 4 I am looking at my workflow atm and will be changing things to see if I can get better results. I am on holiday atm so wont be doing anything for the rest of this month until I get back. but yes we are in need of Probes I think for PBR its the only way forward to have the correct lighting.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 17:55
Quote: "I agree also that more info is needed for PBR workflow. Perhaps a thread with all relevant info in it rather than having to search the forums for it piecemeal. If there already is a thread my apologies for missing it."

To start with, there is my guide over on steam, it's a basic guide to what textures GG needs and uses, it doesn't tell you how to make them, just what options are available.
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Posted: 2nd Jul 2018 20:12
That looks a nice guide there Belidos. Gives people a head start with what files are needed.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2018 18:29
I'm a fairly big guy (Love those Pop Tarts!) so I probably count as 2. See all of you again very soon.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2018 21:40
And look who is back. Cosmic Prophet.
Nice to see you again.
hope you are bringing some more of your great work with you.
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Posted: 14th Aug 2018 22:14
Hey Cosmic Prophet, I was just thinking of you the other day and was wondering how you were doing.

I'm a big guy myself so here is another two.
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Cosmic Prophet
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Posted: 14th Aug 2018 22:17
Flatlander: Ha!! So you love your Pop Tarts too ehh? How are you Buddy?
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Posted: 15th Aug 2018 00:05
Hi all

PBR is still WIP, so it is still early days.
For example:
There is a bug with the illumination map being tiled all over the model when light-mapped.
And _height maps are not being used by the engine. At the moment all they do is take up resources.

aka OldFlak
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Posted: 15th Aug 2018 08:19
The GG community is awesome!
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Posted: 31st Aug 2018 15:45
hellu everyone
Love 3D Arts and coffee

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