Well I wasn't actually criticising the model itself, just providing a better script for it, as it had issues. As far as the model goes it was just a couple of animation frames at the end that went awry, but it caused the entire model to flicker when animating. So I just reduced the anim range in the script and changed the start frame also. Plus I just had to rewrite it and tidy it up, all those else if's
I do the same for most the official scripts as well when there look like spaghetti to me. It should work fine with keys as well, not activate behind walls and has a more reasonable range to make it activate when pressing E. It's just is smaller and more readable (for me at least) than the original.
There may be issues I haven't thought of with it, but I checked the obvious stuff and all worked well. I just thought as your giving this away free to people donating for awhile and I had noticed the script issues, I may as well fix em as scripting is more my forte than graphics.
Still you are right, if everyone just says your work is awesome and has no flaws you will never improve
I do like this model though, hence me spending a couple hours writing a new script for it :p I was amazed how rusty I am after 12 months off lol.
SPECS: Ryzen 1700 CPU. Nvidia 970GTX. 16 Gig Memory. Win 10.