If I ever in my life get time again with GG
I'm going to try to re-enable GetFireModeSettingsNoSubmergedFire() and see if the nosubmergedfire gunspec property works with it. This way we can choose what weapons will work under water or not. As originally intended by Lee. Would be nice to have a 3rd firing mode option for designers who may want special functionality for certain weapons under water and different sounds and speeds etc.
Games like Fallout don't allow you to use guns under water so its safe to exclude them in GG from functioning. Additionally the speed and sounds will break underwater immersion since they have outdoor echoing sounds and do not look like your on underwater based on their animations.
Hopefully the old settings work and this can be implemented easily. Cool to see Lee had did a bit of work in the underwater area of things for GG way back. Wonder why it stopped?