I figured out an easy way to get a slanted roof within ebe. It's pretty quick and since it's made with ebe you can swap out textures easy.
1. Use the floor and do however many spaces across the width of your house is and also the length(EDIT
ne less space across for the width and an equal amount of spaces for the length. So if your house is four squares across your roof needs to be three)
2. Make a wall on the edge going up as many squares as it is across
3. Take the stairs in the builder and stacked them as in the picture
4. fill in all the way across.
5. fill in the open gaps with the wall segment
6. Get out of the builder and then select the roof and extract
7. Rotate the roof with "1" or "6" until the bottom side is facing the ground
8. Place on top of your building
done. One thing to know, the texture in the middle will be sideways compared to the main section of the house. If it doesn't look right you can take the same texture and flip it in a paint program on its side, give it another name and put it back in the texture folder to use for the top section.
IMPORTANT. When building the main section of your house made sure to rotate the walls to the outer side of the floor so it will match the distance of the roof and so later you can add inside walls with a different color