Free Models and Media / grobyken Egyption Models Requiring Fixing...

Super Clark
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2018 16:24
I have made a separate thread for Ken to post the Egyption Models I found that no matter what I tried they
even using fragmotion still will not work. The issue are,
1. The artwork that should be displayed on the internal walls is not showing,
2. Kings Walk Room inside roof one end has mesh section missing, causing light beams casting across inside
of model.
3. Big Room Outside Roof edge has mesh sections missing, causing light beams casting across inside
of model.

These models are for Ken to fix, if you download them do not complain that they are not working fully
you have been INFORMED.


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3D Media Maker
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2018 18:31
OK I have fixed Kings Walk and the Throne Room models. Will upload on to this thread when all are complete.


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