Thanks for your compliments, guys!
cybernescence wrote: "It would be nice to see the same shot in SF and GG to do a comparison of the lighting if you can be bothered"
Good idea! I tried to replicate my SketchFab screenshots in GG...
They are actually not as different as I thought. The main drawbacks with the current Game Guru lighting engine are the lack of reflection probes and just the general way Game Guru handles reflections in PBR (basically only reflecting the skybox and specular highlights for dynamic lights), and the lack of shadows. The '5-unit minimum thickness' rule also massively hampers static lightmapping I find, and wouldn't work for these segments as most of them are flat polygons to keep the polycount down.
Getting these segments into Game Guru has highlighted one or two issues with texture-stretching so I will need to address those before I move on to the next model.