Feature Creep / EBE Builder Needs more additions!

Super Clark
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 11:05

I have been testing this builder a lot, I know Lee stated he did not want to make a full 3D building
tool but this falls short a lot on basic tools. for starters i needs the scale option adding to the gimble
so we can resize items. i.e if you make windows you don't want the glass as thick as the walls,
I have tried adding class entity separate but when you click save the glass is not present on the
saved model.

I would also be a benefit to have the addition of other objects- Round, Cylinder, Sphere, Quads..
to name a few.

I think if he team was willing to create a more versatile building tool I'm sure it could be sold
as addon to GG and that is a good way to raise funds for further GG upgrades.
I for one would be quite happy to pay £50 for a tool like this and i'm sure it would bring in a fair
few needed funds for development.

Hope this can get some attention as posting in the EBE forum just seems to gets ignored .
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 12:30 Edited at: 11th Apr 2018 13:00
Quote: "Hope this can get some attention as posting in the EBE forum just seems to gets ignored ."

Not true .... Pretty much all there have been answered ?
Unfortunately that's where its supposed to be ... Or perhaps Feature creep ..
You could also submit your request via GitHub.
Do you have a preference ?
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Super Clark
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 14:50 Edited at: 11th Apr 2018 14:52
Feature creep . synchromesh please thanks.
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 14:53
Round objects would be a great addition! The EBE as a lot of potential, but we are somehow limited to very "blocky" constructions... A proper slanted roof tool would also be nice.

I remember that round walls were present in Classic: they were great to give the levels a little bit of variety!

Another great feature of Classic were platforms: such tool is not present in Reloaded anymore, which somehow limits the possibility of creating good-looking catwalks (i.e. you could see the floor below your level), for example in a game located in a warehouse...
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 15:44
Quote: "I remember that round walls were present in Classic"

Yes but the packs were in fact Models and not actually made in classic ... The EBE does actually allow you to build, texture and save from scratch and add other assets, décor etc from within the editor
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Posted: 11th Apr 2018 17:38 Edited at: 11th Apr 2018 20:47
Quote: "I remember that round walls were present in Classic: they were great to give the levels a little bit of variety!"

Yeah FPSC classic (fpscx9) segment editor supported platforms, curved rooms as well as more poly detailed walls. That is why I prefer working completely with static entities. FPSCx9 also supported boolean features; which I believe GG in general doesnt support. If some of the EBE "tools" could be implemented with entities we'd have no problems. for example grid, better snapping methods and group select functionality.

old video test with entities using FPSC segment system:

Funny enough i learned a lot since then.... you can actually give entities EBE properties in FPE. So a lot more tests to come giving this discovery.

Quote: " which somehow limits the possibility of creating good-looking catwalks (i.e. you could see the floor below your level), for example in a game located in a warehouse...

You just reminded me, that i was intending to convert the catwalks over to Game Guru. These specific ones:

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Posted: 12th Apr 2018 11:58
What might be helpful would be if, after linking entities to your EBE structure by holding 'L', these inkages would be remembered when you saved the EBE structure. Even if they weren't included in the DBO.
Julian - increasingly disillusioned and jaded

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