I did some experimenting converting an old model of mine from (_D _N _S) to PBR.
I took the _D map into Photoshop, and changing nothing, I saved a new copy _color.dds
Using the NVidia plug-in I created a new Normal map, and saved this as _normal.dds
I used the specular map as the _metalness.dds map, simply blacking out items that I know are not metal.
I created a grayscale version of the color map, and used it as the _gloss.dds file.
I haven't yet figured out how to make the _ao.dds file, so I did not use one.
I copied, renamed, and modified the FBE file to the new texture (_color.dds)
set the effect to apbr_basic.fx, using the same .x model as the original.
I was able to get the two models side by side, and while they both look good
The PBR structure does make the shadows much more natural. There is also a very noticable
difference to metals, making them look more life-like. The Ambient slider works the way it should
I have some more experiments to try, but I'm impressed with the results thus far.
AMD 6300 6 core 3.5 ghz, Windows 8.1, 8GB ram, GTX 650 2GB ram