Feature Creep / Particles (at least like in FPSC)

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Posted: 25th Mar 2018 16:36

The particles claimed to be in GG are not working for me. It would be nice to have at least a decal based particle system like in FPS Creator Classic. We have neat graphics and all that stuff to generate decent realistic levels in GG. But for some action you do need smoke, sparks etc. The decals with their repeating animations are really outdated!

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Posted: 25th Mar 2018 20:16
Lol, just as I post on the same subject in Product Chat I find this post!
You may find my post over there of some interest, and may even have an answer to my first question.
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Posted: 30th Mar 2018 06:44

Super cool, those videos on particles. It would be very handy to have total control over the particle system. There could be commands like loading images, emit, destroy, fade, scale, speed, alpha and color. "3D GameStudio" does have this, so you can make your own particle effects from scratch.

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Posted: 30th Mar 2018 13:55
The current Lua command has 28 parameters! I've added 2 more but I'm thinking there must be a better way, will probably end up adding specific commands with fewer parameters to make things more usable, any parameters not set by the script can just default to sensible values.

I'm thinking of:

LoadParticleImage( <filePath>, [id] ) -- returns id number for image or overwrites specified id
ParticlesGetFreeEmitter() -- existing command, returns id of next not-in-use emitter
ParticlesAddEmitter( id, .... + up to 29 other parameters ) -- existing command
ParticlesSetFrames( id, animationSpeed, frameStart, frameEnd )
ParticlesSetSpeed( id, xMin, yMin, zMin, [ xMax, yMax, zMAx ] )
ParticlesSetOffset( id, xMin, yMin, zMin, [ xMax, yMax, zMAx ] )
ParticlesSetRotation( id, ... etc )
ParticlesSetAlpha( id ... etc )
ParticlesStartEmitter( id, spawnRate )
ParticlesStopEmitter( id )
ParticlesDeleteEmitter( id )

You get the idea.

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Posted: 31st Mar 2018 05:00
Yea! Thats exactly what we need. Games will look much better with this. And for them who do not want to code we can put some premade ones into the store. I can't wait to play with this

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