The current Lua command has 28 parameters! I've added 2 more but I'm thinking there must be a better way, will probably end up adding specific commands with fewer parameters to make things more usable, any parameters not set by the script can just default to sensible values.
I'm thinking of:
LoadParticleImage( <filePath>, [id] ) -- returns id number for image or overwrites specified id
ParticlesGetFreeEmitter() -- existing command, returns id of next not-in-use emitter
ParticlesAddEmitter( id, .... + up to 29 other parameters ) -- existing command
ParticlesSetFrames( id, animationSpeed, frameStart, frameEnd )
ParticlesSetSpeed( id, xMin, yMin, zMin, [ xMax, yMax, zMAx ] )
ParticlesSetOffset( id, xMin, yMin, zMin, [ xMax, yMax, zMAx ] )
ParticlesSetRotation( id, ... etc )
ParticlesSetAlpha( id ... etc )
ParticlesStartEmitter( id, spawnRate )
ParticlesStopEmitter( id )
ParticlesDeleteEmitter( id )
You get the idea.
Been there, done that, got all the T-Shirts!