Some nice updates too m8 we're just waiting on 8.0 i think it is where you can create your own universe's etc I've just been building a massive space station outside akua which has my capital ship in its hanger lol (pretty huge)

not complete or painted up yet but getting there.
and my new capital ship the AM Loudmouth

currently has 2 space vessels and 1 which will become 4 hover turrets

dont you love god mode for painting lol
and the newly painted but not quite finished AM Akua Station Alpha with a capital ship in the hanger
Intel i5 4950 Quad core 3.3ghz AMD FX 6300 x6 cores 3.5ghz(unclocked)
8gb Ram 8gb Ram
AMD Radeon 7570 1gb AMD Radeon HD 6670 2gb
and a well fed mouse on a wheel
I only smile because i have absolutely no idea whats going on