Feature Creep / Screen resolution , please add it for dx11

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Posted: 6th Feb 2018 11:48
At the moment my desktop is at 1920x1080.
If I start a GG game it uses the desktop resolution, right? Right.
What happens if a player has a 4K desktop resolution? I guess then it will start in 4K?
What happens with the menu background art? Will it upscale to 4K?

It would be great, if we could select the resolution for our games.
U want to create a retro game? Ok, set it to 640x480.... or 320x200 or 720p
Maybe could be done by the settings.ini? I don’t know...

It would be also great to give the player the option to select the res. he want to use.

Yes? No?

Old school FPS fan, DOOM!!! Why GG not working on my AMIGA 500?
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Posted: 6th Feb 2018 11:55
I'm pretty sure you can already do that via scripting, you would have to edit the titles scripts to do it, not sure how though.

Primary Desktop:
i7 7700,k NV1070 8GB, 16GB 3200mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

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i5 4760k, NV960 2GB, 16GB 2333mhz memory, 1x 2TB Hybrid, Win10.

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Posted: 6th Feb 2018 13:24
Then it should be added to the global lua script, that it change the res. on startup. (?)
Old school FPS fan, DOOM!!! Why GG not working on my AMIGA 500?
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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 20:50
If it can be set anywhere it will be the .ini file.

If scripted correctly all images/sprites etc will be scaled automatically no matter what resolution is used.
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Posted: 7th Feb 2018 23:28
hmmm... I think I've to try it again... a 320x200 shooter would be cool HAHAHA
game name: pixel terror
Old school FPS fan, DOOM!!! Why GG not working on my AMIGA 500?

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